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Category Archives: E-Government

The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history

Statement by the DHS Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) – the Nation’s risk advisor: “The members of Election Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council (GCC) Executive Committee – Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Assistant Director Bob Kolasky, U.S. Election Assistance Commission Chair Benjamin Hovland, National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) President Maggie Toulouse Oliver,… Continue Reading

Biden may have trouble unearthing Trump’s national security secrets

Politico: “From tearing up documents and hiding transcripts of calls with foreign leaders to using encrypted messaging apps and personal email accounts for government business, the Trump White House’s skirting of records preservation rules could limit the incoming Biden administration’s visibility into highly sensitive foreign policy and national security secrets….The Presidential Records Act, which requires… Continue Reading

National Archives Launches Voting Rights Records Portal

NARA – “A new resource on highlights National Archives records related to voting rights and the African American vote. The portal, which launched last week, allows users to more easily access the documents that trace the country’s voting history, with a focus on several searchable sections: Laws and Court Cases, Organizations, People and Icons,… Continue Reading

USGS Unveils Mobile Flood Tool for the Nation

“A new mobile tool has been released by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) that they hope will protect more lives and property during natural disasters and weather hazards.  The USGS National Water Dashboard (NWD) can be accessed both on your computer and mobile device and will provide the most up-to-date information on flood forecasts, weather,… Continue Reading

Biden-Harris Transition Official Website Launched

Biden-Harris Transition – “The American people will determine who will serve as the next President of the United States. Votes are still being counted in several states around the country. The crises facing the country are severe — from a pandemic to an economic recession, climate change to racial injustice — and the transition team… Continue Reading

Policy making in a digital world – How data and new technologies can help government make better policy

Institute for Government – UK: Policy making in a digital world – How data and new technologies can help government make better policy 23 October 2020. “Policy makers across government lack the necessary skills and understanding to take advantage of digital technologies when tackling problems such as coronavirus and climate change. This report says already… Continue Reading

Eight Persistent COVID-19 Myths and Why People Believe Them

Scientific American – From a human-made virus to vaccine conspiracy theories, we rounded up the most insidious false claims about the pandemic. Because the pathogen first emerged in Wuhan, China, President Donald Trump and others have claimed, without evidence, that it started in a lab there, and some conspiracy theorists believe it was engineered as… Continue Reading

Your guide to following the election on social media

Washington Post – From misinformation to fast-changing maps, here’s how to understand election results and navigate social media. “The experts agree: The best way to accurately track election results, and avoid falling for misinformation between now and Election Day, is to avoid too much social media. Stick with a handful of reputable news sources and… Continue Reading

The 2020 Elections: Selected Resources for Members and Constituents

CRS report via LC – The 2020 Elections: Selected Resources for Members and Constituents, October 14, 2020: “The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and reports of potential election interference might raise questions for Members and constituents about the 2020 elections. Potential disinformation campaigns and changes to election procedures in response to COVID-19might make it more… Continue Reading

Native American Treaties Now Online for the First Time

“Hundreds of Native American treaties have been scanned and are now available online, for the first time, in our Catalog. In partnership with The Museum of Indian Arts and Culture (MIAC), you can learn more about these treaties: Native American Heritage Month – selected online highlights Efforts Begin to Digitize 377 Native Treaties, National… Continue Reading

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, October 10, 2020

Via LLRX – Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, October 10, 2020 – Privacy and security issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss, highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly… Continue Reading

NEJM – Dying in a Leadership Vacuum

October 8, 2020 – N Engl J Med 2020; 383:1479-1480 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMe2029812: The Editors – Dying in a Leadership Vacuum: “Covid-19 has created a crisis throughout the world. This crisis has produced a test of leadership. With no good options to combat a novel pathogen, countries were forced to make hard choices about how to… Continue Reading