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Category Archives: E-Government

EPA Envirofacts

“The preliminary 2020 TRI dataset is now available. The dataset is approximately 99% complete, and will be updated several times in response to data quality analyses and revisions submitted by facilities. For more information, visit The Envirofacts database is now RESTful service-enabled. See the services tab below for documentation and examples, or visit: Envirofacts… Continue Reading

New eCFR Website

“The Office of the Federal Register (OFR) and the U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) have formally launched a new eCFR website. Over the last few years, OFR and GPO developed significant improvements that are now available on the new eCFR website, including the ability to: Show which sections have been recently updated. Display and compare previous versions of… Continue Reading

Find & compare nursing homes, hospitals & other providers near you

Care Compare – “Find and compare Medicare-certified nursing homes based on a location, and compare the quality of care they provide and their staffing. A nursing home is a place for people who can’t be cared for at home and need 24-hour nursing care. We’ve combined our 8 original provider compare sites, giving you… Continue Reading

LegalRuleML Core Specification Version 1.0

Oasis Open: “…Legal texts, e.g. legislation, regulations, contracts, and case law, are the source of norms, guidelines, and rules. As text, it is difficult to exchange specific information content contained in the texts between parties, to search for and extract structured the content from the texts, or to automatically process it further. Legislators, legal practitioners,… Continue Reading

GPO Digitizes List Of Publications The Federal Government Has Produced Since The 1800s

“The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) has digitized the Monthly Catalog of U.S. Government Publications, a historical list of publications the Federal Government produced from 1895 to 2004, as well as other historic government publication indexes. Librarians, scholars, students, and the general public can use these indexes to find historic publications of the U.S. Government.… Continue Reading

Predicting, Managing, and Preparing for Disasters Like Hurricane Ida

National Academies: “…Today, communities across Louisiana and Southeastern coasts are emerging from the shadow of Hurricane Ida. The storm has left New Orleans without power, surrounding areas flooded, and thousands evacuated from their homes. Since Hurricane Katrina swept through Louisiana almost exactly 16 years ago, the National Academies have helped produce scientific insights and recommendations… Continue Reading

Reporting COVID-19 Vaccinations in the United States

“CDC’s COVID Data Tracker provides COVID-19 vaccination data in the United States. Please visit the About COVID-19 Vaccine Delivered and Administration Data to better understand the IT systems behind the COVID-19 Data Tracker…CDC COVID Tracker publicly displays federal agency data individually by agency and incorporates federal agency vaccination data into national and jurisdictional progress metrics. Federal… Continue Reading August 2021 New, Tip, and Top

In Custodia Legis: “At the end of July, Andrew shared the enhancements from the last release, which included adding Key Word In Context (KWIC) search results for the Bound Congressional Record and new customization options for bill alerts. With this month’s release, a link to the treaty errata tab from the overview section on… Continue Reading

FTC Guide – Preparing for a weather emergency

“It’s one thing to prepare your family, pets, and property for extreme weather situations. It’s another to protect your personal information and finances from scammers who use weather emergencies to cheat people. This page has information to help you prepare for, deal with, and recover from a weather emergency. Sections: Preparing for a Weather Emergency… Continue Reading

NASA, International Panel Provide a New Window on Rising Seas

“A new online visualization tool will enable anyone to see what sea levels will look like anywhere in the world in the decades to come. NASA’s Sea Level Change Team has created a sea level projection tool that makes extensive data on future sea level rise from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) easily… Continue Reading

Not a single federal agency received an ‘A’ in a new Senate cybersecurity report card

Popular Science: “On Tuesday, members from the US Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee released a bipartisan report [PDF] that states that seven out of the eight federal agencies they reviewed still have not met the basic cybersecurity standards needed to protect the sensitive data they stored and maintained.  The report was led by… Continue Reading