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Category Archives: E-Government

I tried to read all my app privacy policies. It was 1 million words.

Washington Post – “Let’s abolish reading privacy policies. Here’s how we can use the law and technology to give us real privacy choices. Twitter simplified its privacy policy earlier this month, encouraging us to read it by turning parts into a video game. Yes, a game — it’s called the Twitter Data Dash. In it,… Continue Reading

Global Data Barometer

“The Global Data Barometer is a collaborative project that aims to measure the state of data in relation to urgent societal issues.  Together with regional hubs and thematic partners, we seek to appraise data availability, governance, capability and use around the world to help shape data infrastructures that limit risks and harms in climate action,… Continue Reading

Stronger public health systems and uniform messaging are critical to fight Covid-19

Vox: “Covid-19 — and the resulting pandemic associated with the virus — continues to threaten the world. In the US, a majority of the population is experiencing low Covid-19 community levels, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Yet roughly a third of Americans are still living in areas with high risks,… Continue Reading

EU launches database to help consumers on energy efficient products

“A new EU-wide public database enabling consumers to compare the energy efficiency class and other data about different household products has been launched by the European Commission this week. With detailed information on well over 1 million products, the European Product Registry for Energy Labelling (EPREL) breaks new ground in helping EU consumers become more energy… Continue Reading

Watch Recordings of Law Library Webinars and Events You May Have Missed

In Custodia Legis: “Over the past six months, the Law Library has held many webinars on topics concerning foreign, comparative, and international law, Law Library collections, as well as our recurring orientations on how to research U.S. case law, federal statutes, and federal regulations. The Law Library also presented its annual Supreme Court Fellows Lecture and Human Rights Day… Continue Reading

Tracking Federal Awards: and Other Data Sources

CRS Report – Tracking Federal Awards: and Other Data Sources, Updated April 26, 2022: “, available at, is a government source for data on federal awards by state, congressional district (CD), county, city, and zip code. The awards data in are provided by federal agencies and represent contracts, grants, loans, and other… Continue Reading

NLM Introduces New Tool in Support of Ongoing Pandemic Response

“The National Library of Medicine’s (NLM) National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) launched this week the SARS-CoV-2 Variants Overview interactive web resource to support the identification of emerging variants of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). This free, open access tool provides the public health community with valuable information needed to guide COVID-19 pandemic… Continue Reading

Europe Is Building a Huge International Facial Recognition System

Wired: “For the past 15 years, police forces searching for criminals in Europe have been able to share fingerprints, DNA data, and details of vehicle owners with each other. If officials in France suspect someone they are looking for is in Spain, they can ask Spanish authorities to check fingerprints against their database. Now European… Continue Reading

MuckRock’s Documenting COVID-19 project

Dillon Bergin – MuckRock’s Documenting COVID-19 project – “Our data repository includes some of what our team considers the most important data points that the CDC’s provisional mortality database has to offer: Leading external causes of death in the 113 CDC code list, by underlying cause of death; Natural causes of death associated with COVID-19,… Continue Reading

One stop shop for Covid Information

Axios: “President Biden on Wednesday announced the launch of, a website intended to be a “one-stop shop” for COVID resources, including vaccines, tests and masks. The website includes a tool to help people find locations where they can get tested and receive oral antiviral treatments if needed. “The bottom line, no longer will Americans… Continue Reading