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Category Archives: Digital Rights

Publisher Prentice Hall Tries Open Source

Prentice Hall has made the leap into open source publishing, in no small measure due to the impetus provided by Bruce Perens, author, programmer, researcher, and father of the open source movement. He states on this site, “I’ve convinced Prentice Hall PTR to publish a series of books that have their text under Open Source… Continue Reading

Music/Tech Industry Reach Digital Rights Agreement

Yesterday afternoon, the Recording Industry Association of America announced via this press release that “key members of the recording and technology industries” had reached an agreement on a set of principles as the foundation for their joint anti-piracy and copyright protection lobbying efforts in the 108th Congress. The agreement is a result of efforts by… Continue Reading

Kazaa Will Fight Infringement Lawsuit

Via ZDNet there is news that Sharman Networks, the investment consortium based in Sydney, Australia that owns the popular and controversial P2P software Kazaa will fight the copyright infringement lawsuit brought against them in the U.S. District Court, Central District of California (CV 01-08541-SVW, CV 01-09923-SVW) by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, after the court issued a 46… Continue Reading

Intel CEO and Digital Rights

The CEO of Intel, Craig Barrett, spoke about digital rights at the 2003 International Consumer Electronics Show. His comments sought to strike a balance between fair use rights for consumers who legally purchase digital services and media, and appropriate punishment for those “who grossly violate anybody’s content.” Continue Reading

New E-Book Software Piracy Issue

The source code for the Microsoft Reader e-book as been hacked and posted online by UK programmer Dan Jackson. The program is aptly named Convert Lit (for the .lit format), and removes Microsoft copy protections from files, thus allowing them to be read on competitiors’ devices. Here is a link to the EU Copyright Commission… Continue Reading

EFF IP Attorney Interview

Via Slashdot, here is a link to an interview on digital IP issues with Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) Senior IP Attorney Fred Von Lohmann, conducted by TechFocus. Topics covered include Kazaa, DVRs, the impact of the DMCA and the need for legislative reform of the act, and balancing fair use with the rights of authors. Continue Reading

DMCA Remains in Spotlight in 2003

According to the Boston Globe, the DMCA will be the focus of increasing controversy and lobbying by industry and consumer advocates in 2003. The Business Software Alliance, one of the act’s powerful backers, is fighting any expansion of consumer rights concerning the use of music and movie industry products, including legislation introduced by Rep. Boucher.… Continue Reading

ISP Dispute and the DMCA

Wired details a DMCA dispute that is pitting ISP Verio against veteran communications from New York, a hybrid non-profit (serving the arts community) and for-profit telecom service. hosted a site that lampooned Dow Chemical, using the company’s trademark, resulting in the termination of their service by Verio. Continue Reading