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Category Archives: Digital Rights

New Bill on Digital Rights Management

On September 16, Sen. Sam Brownback introduced the Consumers, Schools, and Libraries Digital Rights Management Act of 2003. From his press release: “This legislation responds directly to ongoing litigation between the Recording Industry Association of America and Internet service providers Verizon and SBC Communications. This litigation has opened wide all identifying information an ISP maintains… Continue Reading

Software Consumer Bill of Rights

Cem Kaner, Professor, Department of Computer Sciences, Florida Institute of Technology, posted on his blog the text of ten suggested principles that comprise a “Software Customer Bill of Rights” which he authored in an effort to “restore integrity and trust — and consumer confidence, consumer excitement, and sales – in this stalled marketplace.” Continue Reading

Libraries and Fair Use

From Library Journal (reg. req’d): Fair Use Under Fire – ALA’s copyright expert gives her take on the challenges digital rights management presents for end users – and librarians: “In the digital realm, DRM technologies are changing the ways in which information is accessed and experienced, and they are undermining fair use. If content providers’… Continue Reading

Preserving Digital Documents

Storing e-text for centuries describes the LOCKSS (for “lots of copies keep stuff safe”) project for permanent publishing on the Web, which is the brainchild of Stanford University librarian Vicky Reich and researcher David Rosenthal. From the LOCKSS website: “LOCKSS creates low-cost, persistent digital “caches” of authoritative versions of http-delivered content. The LOCKSS software enables… Continue Reading

New PCs To Include Digital Rights Monitoring Controls

A Safer System for Home PC’s Feels Like Jail to Some Critics. “As PC makers prepare a new generation of desktop computers with built-in hardware controls to protect data and digital entertainment from illegal copying, the industry is also promising to keep information safe from tampering and help users avoid troublemakers in cyberspace.” For related… Continue Reading

A Review of Internet Copyright Issues

From today’s Washington Post, Overview: Short History of Copyright in the Digital Age, Internet Sparks a Copyright Fire. From the battles between the entertainment industry, “fair use rights” advocates, consumers and copyright holders, this article touches on the complex, high-stake issues, legislative initiatives and key players making news in this arena. Continue Reading