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Category Archives: Defense

A nationwide poll of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans

A legacy of pain and pride – A nationwide poll of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans reveals the profound and enduring effects of war on the 2.6 million who have served: “More than half of the 2.6 million Americans dispatched to fight the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan struggle with physical or mental health problems stemming from their service,… Continue Reading

Ukraine: Current Issues and U.S. Policy Steven

CRS – Ukraine: Current Issues and U.S. Policy, Steven Woehrel, Specialist in European Affairs. March 24, 2014 “Ukraine, comparable in size and population to France, is a large, important, European state. The fact that it occupies the sensitive position between Russia and NATO member states Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania adds to its geostrategic significance. Many Russian politicians, as well as ordinary… Continue Reading

Homeland Security Committee Releases Report on Boston Marathon Bombings

News release: “Today, U.S. House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-Texas), Rep. Bill Keating (D-Mass.), and other members of the Committee released a bipartisan report entitled The Road to Boston: Counterterrorism Challenges & Lessons from the Marathon Bombings, detailing the timeline of the attack and recommendations for improving counterterrorism efforts in the future. Joining in… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports – Major Defense Acquisition Programs, DoD corrosion of facilities and infrastructure, DOD MAIS Programs, Native American Housing

CANCELED DOD PROGRAMS: DOD Needs to Better Use Available Guidance and Manage Reusable Assets, GAO-14-77: Published: Mar 27, 2014. Publicly Released: Mar 27, 2014. DEFENSE INFRASTRUCTURE: DOD’s 2013 Facilities Corrosion Study Addressed Reporting Elements, GAO-14-337R: Published: Mar 27, 2014. Publicly Released: Mar 27, 2014. MAJOR AUTOMATED INFORMATION SYSTEMS: Selected Defense Programs Need to Implement Key Acquisition Practices, GAO-14-309: Published: Mar 27, 2014. Publicly… Continue Reading

Who’s Overseeing Whom? The CIA, SSCI, and the Speech or Debate Clause

CRS – Who’s Overseeing Whom? The CIA, SSCI, and the Speech or Debate Clause “In a Tuesday floor speech, Senator Dianne Feinstein accused the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of monitoring a Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) computer network that was used by Committee staff while conducting an investigation into CIA interrogation techniques.  Many facts remain in dispute, and indeed,… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports – Critical Infrastructure Protection, Federal Contracting, Int’l Food Aid, Medicare, USDA Litigation

CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION: Observations on Key Factors in DHS’s Implementation of Its Partnership Approach, GAO-14-464T: Published: Mar 26, 2014. Publicly Released: Mar 26, 2014. FEDERAL CONTRACTING: Noncompetitive Contracts Based on Urgency Need Additional Oversight, GAO-14-304: Published: Mar 26, 2014. Publicly Released: Mar 26, 2014. F-35 JOINT STRIKE FIGHTER: Slower Than Expected Progress in Software Testing May Limit Initial Warfighting Capabilities, GAO-14-468T: Published: Mar… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports – Electronic Health Records, F-35 Joint Strike Fighter

ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORDS: HHS Strategy to Address Information Exchange Challenges Lacks Specific Prioritized Actions and Milestones, GAO-14-242: Published: Mar 24, 2014. Publicly Released: Mar 24, 2014: “Providers and stakeholders GAO interviewed in four states with ongoing electronic health information exchange efforts cited key challenges to exchange, in particular, issues related to insufficient standards, concerns about how privacy… Continue Reading

Suitability and Security Processes Review

Via FAS, Report to the President, February 2014. This work was carried out by the Suitability and Security Clearance Performance Accountability Council (PAC). “Government vetting processes generally involve two distinct activities: investigation activities which include application and information collection; and adjudication activities which include information assessment and decision making. A security investigation is defined as any investigation required… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports – Countering Overseas Threats, DOD Business Systems Modernization, Military Education, Telecom

COUNTERING OVERSEAS THREATS: Gaps in State Department Management of Security Training May Increase Risk to U.S. Personnel, GAO-14-360: Published: Mar 10, 2014. Publicly Released: Mar 10, 2014. DOD BUSINESS SYSTEMS MODERNIZATION: Air Force Business System Schedule and Cost Estimates, GAO-14-152: Published: Feb 7, 2014. Publicly Released: Mar 10, 2014. JOINT PROFESSIONAL MILITARY EDUCATION: Opportunities Exist for Greater Oversight and Coordination of Associated… Continue Reading

BLS Monthly Labor Review, February 2014

Millennials and the pay gap 03/05/2014 Determining the employment effect of raising the minimum wage 02/05/2014 Is the inheritance boom changing the distribution of wealth in the United States? 02/05/2014 Are daughters’ labor force decisions influenced by their mothers’ employment history? 01/07/2014 Foreign aid: history, theories, and facts 01/07/2014 Continue Reading

Librarian recommends Useful Sources for Ukraine Crisis Information

“Two U.S. military sources I particularly recommend for your users is the Army’s Foreign Military Studies Office and the Army War College’s Strategic Studies Institute Helpful European sources include the Polish Govt. funded Centre for Eastern Studies, the European Union’s Institute for Security Studies; and the British Ministry of Defence’s Defence Academy” [Bert Chapman, Purdue University Libraries] Continue Reading

Army Drawdown and Restructuring: Background and Issues for Congress

CRS – Army Drawdown and Restructuring: Background and Issues for Congress. Andrew Feickert, Specialist in Military Ground Forces. February 28, 2014. “The Administration’s proposal to reduce the size of the Army as well as restructure units and  headquarters has national security implications that Congress will need to consider as part of its oversight and authorizations and appropriations role. In terms of… Continue Reading