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Category Archives: Defense

GAO Report – Combating Nuclear Smuggling:

Combating Nuclear Smuggling: NNSA’s Detection and Deterrence Program Is Addressing Challenges but Should Improve Its Program Plan, GAO-16-460: Published: Jun 17, 2016. Publicly Released: Jun 17, 2016. The National Nuclear Security Agency’s (NNSA) Nuclear Smuggling Detection and Deterrence (NSDD) program has developed a program plan that includes four 5-year goals to guide its efforts; however,… Continue Reading

DHS Active Shooter Complex Attack Resources

Via DHS – “As the recent events in Paris (and Orlando and…) so tragically demonstrate, we continue to face ongoing threats in an uncertain world. Active shooter events, the use of improvised explosive devices (IEDs), and the threat of complex attacks like those seen in Beslan, Russia; Mumbai, India; and now, Paris, France must be… Continue Reading

Active Shooter Event: Quick Reference Guide – DHS

Department of Homeland Security guide – quick reference guide to assist friends, family, colleagues, co-workers, organizations – “An “active shooter” is an individual who is engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area; in most cases, active shooters use firearms(s) and there is no pattern or method to their… Continue Reading

The Road to Orlando: Jihadist-Inspired Violence in the West, 2012-2016

Combatting Terrorism Center at West Point – June 16, 2016, Author(s): Sam Mullins Abstract: “This analysis of 47 cases of jihadist-inspired violence carried out in Western countries between January 1, 2012, and the June 12, 2016, Orlando attack sheds light on the evolving terrorist threat. The data shows that the Syrian civil war and the… Continue Reading

DHS Daily Open Source Infrastructure Report

“The DHS Daily Open Source Infrastructure Report is collected each business day as a summary of open-source published information concerning significant critical infrastructure issues. Each Daily Report is divided by the critical infrastructure sectors and key assets defined in the National Infrastructure Protection Plan. The DHS Daily Open Source Infrastructure Report is archived on this… Continue Reading

EU At a glance What Think Tanks are thinking – Terrorism in Europe

June 10, 2016: “The terrorist attacks in Paris last year and in Brussels this March have reinforced calls on European Union member states to strengthen their cooperation on internal security and intensified the debate on the EU’s role in fighting terrorism. Among measures being, or about to be, introduced are more thorough checks of people… Continue Reading

GAO Reports – Defense Inventory, Littoral Combat Ship, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, DOD Small Business Contracting

Defense Inventory: Further Analysis and Enhanced Metrics Could Improve Service Supply and Depot Operations, GAO-16-450: Published: Jun 9, 2016. Publicly Released: Jun 9, 2016. Littoral Combat Ship: Need to Address Fundamental Weaknesses in LCS and Frigate Acquisition Strategies, GAO-16-356: Published: Jun 9, 2016. Publicly Released: Jun 9, 2016. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: Enhanced Detection Tools… Continue Reading

TSA Is Taking Steps to Improve Expedited Screening Effectiveness, but Improvements in Screener Oversight Are Needed

Aviation Security: TSA Is Taking Steps to Improve Expedited Screening Effectiveness, but Improvements in Screener Oversight Are Needed, GAO-16-707T: Published: Jun 7, 2016. Publicly Released: Jun 7, 2016. “In 2015, TSA screened or oversaw the screening of more than 708 million passengers at more than 450 U.S airports. In carrying out the screening process, TSA… Continue Reading

State Department releases Country Reports on Terrorism 2015

“[June 1, 2016] the State Department is issuing the Country Reports on Terrorism, which describes the counterterrorism landscape during the last calendar year and fulfills an important congressional mandate. The report allows us to regularly assess our effectiveness and make informed assessments about policies and priorities and where to place resources. In 2015, the United… Continue Reading

Scanning and Imaging Shipping Containers Overseas: Costs and Alternatives

Scanning and Imaging Shipping Containers Overseas: Costs and Alternatives, CBO, June 2, 2016: “Each year, about 12 million shipping containers enter U.S. ports. After the September 11, 2001, attacks, concern arose that terrorists might use containers to smuggle weapons of mass destruction—particularly nuclear weapons—into the country. To reduce that threat, the federal government implemented several security… Continue Reading

GAO Reports – Midway Atoll, Medicare, Aviation Security, Federal Air Marshall Service, Housing for Special Needs

Midway Atoll: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Faces Many Competing Priorities, GAO-16-382: Published: Jun 2, 2016. Publicly Released: Jun 2, 2016. Medicare: Utilization and Expenditures for Complex Wheelchair Accessories, GAO-16-640R: Published: Jun 1, 2016. Publicly Released: Jun 1, 2016. Aviation Security: Airport Perimeter and Access Control Security Would Benefit from Risk Assessment and Strategy Updates,… Continue Reading

CRS – Who Is a “Veteran”? — Basic Eligibility for Veterans’ Benefits,

Via FAS – Who Is a “Veteran”? — Basic Eligibility for Veterans’ Benefits, Scott D. Szymendera, Analyst in Disability Policy. May 25, 2016. “The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers a broad range of benefits to U.S. Armed Forces veterans and certain members of their families. Among these benefits are various types of financial… Continue Reading