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Category Archives: Courts

Meet the Reddit ‘Aunties’ covertly helping people get abortions

The Washington Post: “In the hours since a leaked draft opinion signaled the Supreme Court is likely to overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark law legalizing abortion nationwide, thousands of people have flocked to a Reddit community called the Auntie Network, a pseudo-underground gathering space aimed to facilitate abortions in an age of diminishing access.… Continue Reading

How US state abortion laws compare globally

Quartz: “Despite efforts to limit access to abortion, Roe v. Wade has preserved American women’s right to terminate a pregnancy, a basic protection not available to many women around the world. If the US Supreme overturns the decision, as suggested by a leaked draft opinion, abortion would become illegal in many US states, putting them on… Continue Reading

The Roe v. Wade Opinion Is Not the First Supreme Court Leak

Wired: “…People have claimed that this week’s leak of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization is “unprecedented,” but that’s not the case. Take the dreadful Dred Scott decision that in the mid-1800s upheld slavery, one of the very first leaks, if not the first. Three months ahead of the final opinion, newspapers began reporting the… Continue Reading

Here is a great resource for what you can do in the fight for abortion rights in all 50 states

Lit Hub: “A Supreme Court draft opinion was leaked last night in which Justice Samuel Alito lays out the court’s pending decision to overturn Roe v. Wade; should this ruling come to pass it would represent one of the largest roll-backs of personal freedom in the history of this country. If you care about an… Continue Reading

Matthew Hale – 17th century English jurist approvingly cited by Alito

Via Moira Donegan – @MoiraDonegan [Columnist covering gender and politics @guardianUS] – “Matthew Hale, the 17th century English jurist approvingly cited by Alito in the draft Dobbs opinion, is the creator of “Hale instructions,” text that was read to juries in rape trials for centuries cautioning them not to believe women. The practice was ended… Continue Reading

Alito’s Plan to Repeal the 20th Century

The Atlantic: “…Alito claims to be sweeping away one of the great unjust Supreme Court precedents, such as Dred Scott v. Sanford, which held that Black people had no rights white men were bound to respect, or Plessy v. Ferguson, which upheld racial segregation. But in truth, Alito is employing the logic of Plessy, allowing… Continue Reading

Precedent and the Rule of Law

Lewis, Sebastian, Precedent and the Rule of Law (27 10, 2021). 41 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 873 (2021), Available at SSRN: or “Courts may reason using precedents in various ways, but not all of them satisfy the rule of law. This article provides two ways that are compatible with this ideal, and… Continue Reading

The Resurgence of the Abortion Underground

The Experiment / Podcast Produced by The Atlantic and WNYC Studios/ A transcript of this episode is available.  “There’s a common story about abortion in this country, that people have only two options to intentionally end a pregnancy: the clinic or the coat hanger. They can choose the safe route that’s protected by Roe v. Wade—a… Continue Reading

ACS Reaction to Draft SCOTUS Opinion on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health

American Constitution Society, May 3, 2022, Washington, D.C. – “Today, Roe remains the law of the land and until a final decision is handed down by the Supreme Court, those seeking abortion care should not be deterred from accessing the healthcare they need. If the draft opinion published last night by Politico is ultimately issued… Continue Reading

Draft opinion – Supreme Court has voted to overturn abortion rights

Politico: “The Supreme Court has voted to strike down the landmark Roe v. Wade decision, according to an initial draft majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito circulated inside the court and obtained by POLITICO. The draft opinion is a full-throated, unflinching repudiation of the 1973 decision which guaranteed federal constitutional protections of abortion rights… Continue Reading