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Category Archives: Congress

Tracking Trump’s picks for his Cabinet and administration

Unpaywalled – Here are the people Trump has named to his incoming administration or the top contenders for unfilled roles based on our reporting. We will continue to update this article. The New York Times – Tracking Trump’s Cabinet and Staff Nominations [unpaywalled] – President-elect Donald J. Trump has quickly begun to assemble the list… Continue Reading

How did Trump win the election?

New interactive tool takes deep dive into voter demographics, Northeastern Global News – Demographic Vote Prediction Tool. “The tool developed by Northeastern University Distinguished Professor David Lazer allows users to select for demographics including gender, race, income, education, age and voting preference in 2020 and 2024. Trump secured victories in the key swing states of… Continue Reading

United States International Trade Commission annual datasets of US import tariffs

Data is Plural: “The United States International Trade Commission maintains annual datasets of US import tariffs going back to 1997. The datasets include each impacted product’s eight-digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule code, a brief description, the duty rate, rate type, effective and ending dates, and more. The commission also publishes a tariff search tool and data… Continue Reading

GAO Congressional and Presidential Transition Resources

[On November 5, 2024] Americans voted for members of the 119th Congress and a new president. Representatives and senators will be sworn in on Friday, January 3. As they take office, our nation faces many significant challenges—including those that threaten national security, financial stability, public health, and more. Our work here at GAO highlights some… Continue Reading

United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions (Plum Book)

“About United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions (Plum Book) – Published by the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and House Committee on Government Reform alternately after each Presidential election, the Plum Book lists over 7,000 Federal civil service leadership and support positions in the legislative and executive branches of the Federal… Continue Reading

Bloomberg Billionaires Index

View profiles for each of the world’s 500 richest people, see the biggest movers, and compare fortunes or track returns. – As of November 8, 2024 – The Bloomberg Billionaires Index is a daily ranking of the world’s richest people. Details about the calculations are provided in the net worth analysis on each billionaire’s profile… Continue Reading

Justice Department to Monitor Polls in 27 States for Compliance with Federal Voting Rights Laws

Federal prosecutors are on call in every district in the country. Interfering with voting rights is a federal offense. Any effort to intimidate, harass, threaten or harm voters will result in a visit from the FBI. Witnesses or victims may call 9-1-1. (Making a false report is a crime, too!) Let’s keep voting safe, free,… Continue Reading

What is voter turnout like in recent elections? How do Americans vote? How are Americans represented in government?

USA Facts – What are the basics of elections and voting in the US? Explore data on turnout rates, representation, and methods of voting. Turnout rate in federal elections for citizen voting-age population In 2020, 66.8% of the citizen voting-age population voted in the presidential election, the highest turnout since 1992. Table of Contents What… Continue Reading

What are Americans afraid of?

“The Chapman Survey of American Fears has asked Americans about their greatest fears (almost) almost every year since 2015…The top ten often shifts in response to recent events, such as the 55% who reported being afraid of the “American Healthcare Act/Trumpcare” in 2017. Yet the one thing most Americans say they’re afraid of has remained… Continue Reading

What to expect when we’re electing series – And An Hour By Hour Guide to What We’ll Probably Learn on Election Night

Nov 4, 2024 – 2024 Rapid Research Blog, Rapid Research Blog, ResearchCenter for an Informed Public – What to expect when we’re electing’ series – Our “What to expect when we’re electing” series features articles introducing conceptual tools for understanding election rumoring (both in general and specifically in online settings) and for anticipating the types… Continue Reading

The Powerful Density of Hypertextual Writing

Kottke: “The NY Times has had a difficult time covering the 2024 election in a clear, responsible manner. But I wanted to highlight this short opinion piece from the paper’s editorial board, which I’m reproducing here in its entirety: You already know Donald Trump. He is unfit to lead. Watch him. Listen to those who… Continue Reading

ProPublica’s Coverage of the Election Issues That Matter to Voters

With just days to go before Election Day, political coverage is everywhere. ProPublica avoids horse race coverage of the election, instead deeply exploring issues that voters care about, like immigration, abortion, health care, the economy, extremism and education. Continue Reading