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Category Archives: Congress

Orientation to Legal Research Webinar on U.S. Federal Statutes

“Join Senior Legal Reference Librarian Elizabeth Osborne in our next webinar in the Orientation to Legal Research Series on U.S. Federal Statutes this Thursday February 11th at 11:00 am EST. The Orientation to Legal Research Series is designed to introduce legal sources and research techniques. These orientations, taught by reference librarians, are typically offered… Continue Reading

Women in National Governments Around the Globe: Fact Sheet

CRS Report – Women in National Governments Around the Globe: Fact Sheet, Updated February 8, 2021: ‘Women and girls make up half of the world’s population; however, in most countries, women are under represented in the political process at the national level. As this report shows, women currently hold 25.4% of legislative seats around the… Continue Reading

Unrest at the Capitol: Potential Violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice

CRS Legal Sidebar – Unrest at the Capitol: Potential Violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, February 5, 2021: “After the unrest at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, sources reported that current and former military service members were among the participants in the unrest. These reports prompted several Members of Congress to… Continue Reading

Mask Mandate: Does the Federal Aviation AdministrationHave Authority to Require Masks on Flights?

CRS Legal Sidebar –Mask Mandate: Does the Federal Aviation Administration Have Authority to Require Masks on Flights?, February 8, 2021: “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cautions that although air circulation and filtration systems in passenger aircraft help reduce the spread of most viruses, sitting within six feet of others on flights may… Continue Reading

COVID-19 Vaccine Doses: Selected Data Sources on Allocation, Distribution, and Administration

CRS Insight – COVID-19 Vaccine Doses: Selected Data Sources on Allocation, Distribution, and Administration – February 8, 2021: “The selected sources below can help congressional staff track the progress of the U.S. COVID-19 vaccination campaign at the national, state, and local levels. Sources were selected for having commonly cited and frequently requested data. This is… Continue Reading

The Federal Reserve’s Response to COVID-19: Policy Issues

CRS report – The Federal Reserve’s Response to COVID-19: Policy Issues, Updated February 8, 2021: “The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has caused widespread disruptions to the economy. The Federal Reserve (Fed) took multiple policy actions in response to the crisis, and Congress took the unprecedented step of providing up to $500 billion to the… Continue Reading

National Court Reporter and Captioning Week February 8-15

National Court Reporters Association – “These videos explore the world of stenography. Get a firsthand look at the venues in which captioners and court reporters work.” [h/t Karen Blair] How do they do it? Quick & dirty explainer, real-world video example Wikipedia Why does it matter? Comparison of automatic speech recognition vs. human stenographer why stenographers… Continue Reading

The Insurrection Bar to Office: Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment

CRS Legal Sidebar – The Insurrection Bar to Office: Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment, January 29, 2021: “In the aftermath of the events of January 6 in and around the Capitol, there have been calls for accountability for those who participated, as well as leaders who may have helped instigate it. The breach of… Continue Reading

GameStop-Related Market Volatility: Policy Issues

CRS Insight – GameStop-Related Market Volatility: Policy Issues, February 3, 2021: “Video game chain GameStop triggered a market frenzy inearly2021when its stock price rapidly increased from around $18 to well over $400in intraday trading. The developments soon spread to some other stocks and markets.The episode raises several policy issues, including social media’s influence over investment… Continue Reading

Know Your COVID Mortgage Forbearance Rights

Lifehacker: “A new CFPB report says that some mortgage lenders have failed to follow the law on mortgage forbearance during COVID. Lenders have misled borrowers about their rights, imposed unauthorized penalties, and wrongfully evicted tenants. Here’s what you need to know, and how to report an unscrupulous lender. Know your rights as a borrower  –… Continue Reading

Federal Individual Income Tax Terms: An Explanation

CRS Report – Federal Individual Income Tax Terms: An Explanation, Updated February 4, 2021: “This report describes the terms most commonly used when discussing the federal individual income tax. Most of these tax terms are explained in the order that they occur in the process of determining one’s income tax on the Form 1040. Total… Continue Reading

Accountability 2021 – Restoring accountability in the federal government

Open the Government  – 40 Advocacy Organizations & Experts Release Accountability 2021 Reform Agenda for Biden Administration – “The Accountability 2021 effort recognizes that the President has the power to create a government that is both responsive to and representative of the public—and demands that whoever sits in the Oval Office take steps to do… Continue Reading