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Category Archives: Congress

Columbia Launched Democracy Reform and Voting Rights in the United States Web Archive

“Columbia University Libraries is pleased to announce the launch of the Democracy Reform and Voting Rights in the United States Web Archive. The ongoing struggle in the United States between advocates for voting rights and official proponents of voter suppression measures intensified in 2020 during a bitter presidential election campaign conducted amidst the substantial additional… Continue Reading

CBO Updates Its Interactive Tool for Analyzing the Effects of Federal Minimum-Wage Increases

“[April 5, 2021], CBO updated its interactive tool—initially released in November 2019—that allows users to create custom policy options to examine how different approaches to changing the minimum wage would affect earnings, employment, family income, and poverty. The estimates shown in the tool were generated using the same methods underlying CBO’s most recent reports on… Continue Reading

A Comprehensive Guide to Those Responsible for the January 6 Insurrection

“This primer by Seth Abramson also explains, in detail, how and why the attack on the Capitol occurred. The Department of Justice calls the FBI investigation into the January 6 assault on the United States Capitol one of the largest criminal probes in American history. One of the reasons the investigation is so historically vast and complex is that… Continue Reading

CRS – Biometric Technologies and Global Security

CRS In Focus – Biometric Technologies and Global Security March 30, 2021: “Biometric technologies use unique biological or behavioral attributes—such as DNA, fingerprints, cardiac signatures, voice or gait patterns, and facial or ocular measurements—to authenticate an individual’s identity. Although biometric technologies have been in use for decades, recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and Big… Continue Reading

CRS – Mergers and Acquisitions in Digital Markets

Mergers and Acquisitions in Digital Markets, March 30, 2021: “Some Members of Congress have expressed concern about mergers and acquisitions in digital markets, specifically those involving “Big Tech”—Alphabet (Google), Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Microsoft. Mergers can be separated into three categories: (1) a merger between competitors (i.e., horizontal merger), (2) a merger with a firm… Continue Reading

Federal ‘Brain Drain’ Examined by Science Committee

[March 17, 2021] “… during the Investigations and Oversight Subcommittee hearing, “Brain Drain: Rebuilding the Federal Scientific Workforce,” Subcommittee Chairman Bill Foster (D-IL) submitted a Majority staff report into the record on trends in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) workforce within federal science agencies following the sequestration in the early 2010s that impacted staffing within federal agencies and… Continue Reading

Report – The Problem with Partisan Primaries

Via Unite America –  a movement of Democrats, Republicans, and independents working to bridge the growing partisan divide and foster a more representative and functional government. Report – “Despite a record turnout in the 2020 general election, only 10% of eligible Americans nationwide cast ballots in primary elections that effectively decided the winners in a… Continue Reading

Visualizing Congressional Votes on the Coronavirus Relief Package

Visualizing Congressional Votes on the Coronavirus Relief Package – “The Washington Post has created a series of visualizations that show how sharply polarized Congressional votes on the coronavirus relief package were. Even though most Americans support the bill, one visualization shows that there were only three votes in Congress that were not Democrats voting to pass… Continue Reading

CRS – Executive Orders: An Introduction

Executive Orders: An Introduction March 29, 2021: “Executive orders are written instruments through which a President can issue directives toshape policy. Although the U.S. Constitution does not address executive orders and no statute grants the President the general power to issue them, authority to issue such orders is accepted as an inherent aspect of presidential… Continue Reading

CRS – Congressional Oversight Manual

Congressional Oversight ManualUpdated March 29, 2021: “Today’s lawmakers and congressional aides, as well as commentators and scholars, recognize that Congress’s lawmaking role does not end when it passes legislation. Oversight is considered fundamental to making sure that laws work and are being administered in an effective, efficient, and economical manner. This function is seen as… Continue Reading

Biden administration will investigate Trump-era attacks on science

The New York Times – “The Biden administration will investigate Trump-era political interference in science across the government, the first step in what White House officials described as a sweeping effort to rebuild a demoralized federal work force and prevent future abuses. In a letter to the leaders of all federal agencies, the White House… Continue Reading

Proposals to Modify Supreme Court Justices’ Tenure: Legal Considerations

CRS – Proposals to Modify Supreme Court Justices’ Tenure: Legal Considerations, March 24, 2021: “To insulate the federal judiciary from political influence, the Constitution specifies that Supreme Court Justices “shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour.” While the Constitution does not define “good Behaviour,” the prevailing interpretation is that Congress cannot remove Supreme Court Justices… Continue Reading