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Category Archives: Congress

Federal Cybersecurity: America’s Data Still at Risk

United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, Rob Portman, Ranking Member. Gary Peters, Chairman. Federal Cybersecurity: America’s Data Still at Risk. August 2021: “..The current state of cyber espionage. In the past two years, state-sponsored hackers have perpetrated some of the largest and most damaging cyber-attacks in our history. In December 2020, we… Continue Reading

New congressional report says covid-19 likely emerged in Wuhan months earlier than originally thought

Washington Post: “Nineteen months after the start of the pandemic, the Chinese government continues to actively thwart a real investigation into the origins of covid-19. Now, a new GOP congressional report alleges that Beijing was covering up the outbreak for months longer than previously assumed. The House Foreign Affairs Committee minority staff, led by ranking… Continue Reading

Tracking Federal Awards: and Other Data Sources

Tracking Federal Awards: and Other Data Sources Updated July 30, 2021 – “, available at, is a government source for data on federal awards by state, congressional district (CD), county, city, and zip code. The awards data in are provided byfederal agencies and represent contracts, grants, loans, and other forms of financial assistance.… Continue Reading

LC Upcoming US Law Webinars – August 2021

In Custodia Legis: [In August 2021], the Law Library of Congress will present a webinar on federal statutes. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about the legislative process and how to trace federal statutes from their publication in the U.S. Code to their origins as bills. Participants will also learn about the difference between… Continue Reading

DOJ – Trump officials can testify in inquiries into efforts to subvert election outcome

The New York Times: “The Justice Department notified former officials this week that they could testify to the various committees investigating the Trump administration’s efforts to subvert the results of the presidential election and the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, according to a letter obtained by The New York Times. Witnesses can give “unrestricted… Continue Reading

House Bill Would Create Long-Awaited Software and Data Roles at Federal Agencies

NextGov: “The federal government would finally be able to hire specifically for “software development,” “software engineering,” “data management,” and “knowledge management” positions under new legislation before the House. Over multiple administrations, the federal government has tried to get better at hiring and retaining tech-savvy employees but continues to meet challenges, including the lack of specific… Continue Reading

Artificial Intelligence: An Accountability Framework for Federal Agencies and Other Entities

Artificial Intelligence: An Accountability Framework for Federal Agencies and Other Entities GAO-21-519SP Published: Jun 30, 2021. “As a nation, we have yet to grasp the full benefits or unwanted effects of artificial intelligence. AI is widely used, but how do we know it’s working appropriately? This report identifies key accountability practices—centered around the principles of… Continue Reading

A Low Carbon Fuel Standard: In Brief

CRS: A Low Carbon Fuel Standard: In Brief July 7, 2021: “One policy option Congress may examine is a low carbon fuel standard (LCFS). An LCFS is a policy that requires transportation fuels to meet a certain energy-related GHG target (e.g., a specific carbon intensity) within a specified jurisdiction and time frame. Some states have… Continue Reading

Free Webinar – Foundations: Finding Resources on

“The Library of Congress web site  contains millions of digitized primary sources that are free to use with your students, along with many free teacher resources. In this webinar [July 13, 2-3pm ET], Library of Congress education specialists will share tips and strategies for finding resources in the Library’s extensive digitized collections by navigating the… Continue Reading

Library of Congress Adds ‘A Century of Lawmaking’ to

Update Increases Accessibility, Readability of Bills and Resolutions Dating from 1799 – “The Library of Congress announced today that U.S. congressional records dating back to the days of printing presses and the telegraph are now easily accessible on mobile devices. With this latest update of — the official website for U.S. federal legislative information… Continue Reading

Domestic Terrorism: Overview of Federal Criminal Law and Constitutional Issues

CRS Report – Domestic Terrorism: Overview of Federal Criminal Law and Constitutional Issues, July 2, 2021: “Federal statute defines domestic terrorism to include dangerous criminal acts intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population or to influence or affect government policy or conduct within the jurisdiction of the United States. Despite the federal statutory definition,… Continue Reading