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Category Archives: Congress

GAO: Congress Should Enact Comprehensive Privacy Legislation “The Government Accountability Office yesterday released a snapshot of its recent work on consumer data. The GAO’s work shows that (1) consumer scores pose risks; (2) facial recognition technology raises consumer privacy and accuracy concerns; and (3) additional federal authority over internet privacy could enhance consumer protection. The GAO recommended that Congress implement consumer… Continue Reading

Russia spent millions in secret global political campaign, U.S. official says

Washington Post: “Russia has secretly funneled at least $300 million to foreign political parties and candidates in more than two dozen countries since 2014 in an attempt to shape political events beyond its borders, according to a new U.S. intelligence review. Moscow planned to spend hundreds of millions of dollars more as part of its… Continue Reading

Law Library of Congress Report Examines Economic Espionage Laws in Selected Countries

In Custodia Legis: “A recently published Law Library of Congress report, Economic Espionage Laws, “addresses economic espionage laws and the regulation of fraudulent filing of corporate, import-export, and banking documentation” in sixteen countries. The report consists of a comparative summary followed by individual country surveys for sixteen countries. The countries surveyed are Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan,… Continue Reading

Trump found the holes in our election laws. Congress is trying to patch them.

Vox: “The human mind is ingenious. It can create towering works of art and make remarkable scientific discoveries. It is, as we saw in the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election, also capable of inventing new ways to undermine American democracy by abusing our existing election laws, and turning orderly presidential elections into anarchy and… Continue Reading

Congress may force election deniers to get a lot more creative

Vox: “The human mind is ingenious. It can create towering works of art and make remarkable scientific discoveries. It is, as we saw in the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election, also capable of inventing new ways to undermine American democracy by abusing our existing election laws, and turning orderly presidential elections into anarchy and… Continue Reading

The Insurrection Bar to Office: Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment

CRS Legal Sidebar – The Insurrection Bar to Office: Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment Updated September 7, 2022: “In the aftermath of the events of January 6, 2021,in and around the U.S. Capitol, there have been calls for accountability for those who participated, as well as for those who may have helped instigate it.… Continue Reading

Introducing the API

In Custodia Legis – September 6, 2022 by Margaret Wood and Andrew Weber. “ is a fantastic source of legislative information, and a marvelous source for investigating specific legislation and exploring the legislative history of a bill. also contains large amounts of data and various users have expressed interest in having additional access to… Continue Reading

Politico’s new German owner has a ‘contrarian’ plan for American media

Washington Post: “Months after his company bought Politico, Mathias Döpfner stood atop Axel Springer’s 19-story headquarters, gazing out at the double row of cobblestones that mark the outline of the demolished Berlin Wall, and explained his global ambitions. “We want to be the leading digital publisher in democracies around the world,” he said. A newcomer… Continue Reading

Before the Presidential Records Act of 1978, presidents owned their papers

Washington Post: Now all presidents, including Donald Trump, must turn them over to the National Archives. “Until the 1970s, former presidents could do pretty much whatever they wanted with their presidential papers. That often was a problem. Some papers “were purposely destroyed, while others fell victim to chance destruction,” concluded a 1978 congressional study. “Others… Continue Reading

A new US data privacy bill aims to give you more control over information collected about you – and make businesses change how they handle data

Via LLRX – A new US data privacy bill aims to give you more control over information collected about you – and make businesses change how they handle data – With rare bipartisan support, the American Data and Privacy Protection Act moved out of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce by a… Continue Reading

The Mar-a-Lago Search Warrant: A Legal Introduction

Follow up to previous posting, Trump Had More Than 300 Classified Documents at Mar-a-Lago, which included links to government documents pertaining to the FBI search and NARA’s repeated requests to secure the return of classified government documents, please see CRS Legal Sidebar The Mar-a-Lago Search Warrant: A Legal Introduction, August 23, 2022: “The Federal Bureau… Continue Reading

Inside a ‘mega-study’ on election denial, polarization, and violence—and how to stop it

Fast Company: “Stanford’s Strengthening Democracy Study, the largest of its kind, tested 25 strategies among 32,000 Americans to learn which could reduce partisan animosity and curb antidemocratic attitudes…According to a FiveThirtyEight study, at least 120 Republican midterm candidates don’t accept the results of the 2020 election, representing 49% of Republicans on the ballot for Senate,… Continue Reading