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Category Archives: Climate Change

Market-Based Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Legislation: 108th Through 117th Congresses

CRS Report – Market-Based Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Legislation: 108th Through 117th Congresses, Updated July 18, 2022: “Congressional interest in market-based greenhouse gas (GHG) emission control legislation has fluctuated over the past 20years. Market-based approaches that would address GHG emissions typically involve either a cap-and-trade system or a carbon tax or emissions fee program. Both approaches… Continue Reading

The Western Drought Is Getting Weird Share

Gizmodo: “The western and southwestern U.S. is wilting under the biggest drought in 1,200 years — a megadrought. As of writing this, most of the country is experiencing drier-than-normal conditions, but things remain particularly severe from Texas to Washington state. Scientists have identified climate change as a significant contributing factor to the extent and severity… Continue Reading

Light pollution is disrupting the seasonal rhythms of plants and trees, lengthening pollen season in US cities

Via LLRX – Light pollution is disrupting the seasonal rhythms of plants and trees, lengthening pollen season in US cities – City lights that blaze all night are profoundly disrupting urban plants’ phenology – shifting when their buds open in the spring and when their leaves change colors and drop in the fall. New research… Continue Reading

Cryptomining Capacity in U.S. Rivals Energy Use of Houston, Findings Show

The New York Times: “…Earlier this year, a group of congressional Democrats launched an investigation into energy use at the country’s largest cryptomining companies. They asked seven cryptomining companies for data on their operations, and the group’s findings, issued Friday, are based on the companies’ responses. That data showed that the seven companies alone had… Continue Reading

Edelman Trust Barometer – The Power of Gen Z

“This isn’t the influencer generation. This isn’t the cancel generation. This isn’t even the TikTok generation. This is the generation of sensibility. Preceding generations have idolized the unrealistic, prioritizing aspirational objectives, and often overlooking basic elements like humanity, our planet, and at times the truth for the sake of self, innovation, wealth, and immediacy. In… Continue Reading

New Research – E-Bikes Are Outpacing Electric Cars Sales in the US

Bicycling: “People in urban areas are starting to realize that sometimes, it’s faster to go by bike than to drive from place to place. Especially when the bike is electric-assisted and capable of zooming through traffic at the same speed as most city speed limits, without the hassle of finding parking. And now that e-cargo… Continue Reading

FSB Roadmap for Addressing Financial Risks from Climate Change: 2022 progress report

Financial Stability Board: “One year after the G20 endorsed the FSB Roadmap to address climate-related financial risks, policy action to address such risks is more urgent than ever. The increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather and climate-related events, and the intense debate about current and future energy policies in many jurisdictions, highlights that financial… Continue Reading

Light pollution is disrupting the seasonal rhythms of plants and trees

Ars Technica: “City lights that blaze all night are profoundly disrupting urban plants’ phenology—shifting when their buds open in the spring and when their leaves change colors and drop in the fall. New research I co-authored shows how nighttime lights are lengthening the growing season in cities, which can affect everything from allergies to local… Continue Reading

This climate action tracker shows exactly where we are on the path to net zero

Fast Company: “Last year, global electric-car sales more than doubled compared to the year before. Solar and wind power are cheaper in most countries than fossil fuels. The world is now spending record amounts on clean energy. New technology is emerging to cut emissions in hard-to-decarbonize industries like steel and cement and aviation. At the… Continue Reading