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Category Archives: Climate Change

Overseas Real Property: State’s Initial Assessment of Natural Hazard Risks Faced By its Posts

Overseas Real Property: State’s Initial Assessment of Natural Hazard Risks Faced By its Posts, GAO-23-105452. Published Oct 18, 2022. Publicly Released Nov 17, 2022: “In 2020, the State Department created a Climate Security and Resilience program. The program assesses the risk natural hazards pose to each of its 294 locations around the world. State selected… Continue Reading

Extreme temperatures around the world and related links

Via National and Continental Extreme Temperatures includes the national extreme temperatures with dates and sources Monthly Temperatures Records includes the world and continental extreme temperatures month by month.It also includes statistics of temperature records by latitude and altitude. Countries without frost includes a list of the countries where frost has never been recorded. Snowfalls… Continue Reading

How an Early Oil Industry Study Became Key in Climate Lawsuits

Yale Environment 360: “For decades, 1960s research for the American Petroleum Institute warning of the risks of burning fossil fuels had been forgotten. But two papers discovered in libraries are now playing a key role in lawsuits aimed at holding oil companies accountable for climate change. Carroll Muffett began wondering in 2008 when the world’s… Continue Reading

How to Feel About Climate Change?

Julia Mosquera & Kirsti M. Jylhä . How to Feel About Climate Change? An Analysis of the Normativity of Climate Emotions, International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 30:3,357-380, DOI: 10.1080/09672559.2022.2125150 – “Climate change evokes different emotions in people. Recently, climate emotions have become a matter of normative scrutiny in the public debate. This phenomenon, which we… Continue Reading

Want to fight climate change effectively? Here’s where to donate your money

Vox: These are 8 of the most high-impact, cost-effective, evidence-based organizations. “You may not have heard of them….The groups I list below seem to be doing something especially promising in the light of certain criteria: importance, tractability, and neglectedness. Important targets for change are ones that drive a big portion of global emissions. Tractable problems… Continue Reading

Billionaires Provided 15 Percent of Funding for the Midterm

“In the 2022 midterms, the 100 largest donors collectively spent 60 percent more than every small donor in the United States combined, according to a Brennan Center analysis of publicly available data. (Small donors are those who give $200 or less.) The wealthy have always wielded disproportionate power over American government. In 1895, GOP strategist… Continue Reading

Dimming the Sun to Cool the Planet Is a Desperate Idea, Yet We’re Inching Toward It

The New Yorker [subscription req’d]: “The idea behind solar geoengineering is essentially to mimic what happens when volcanoes push particles into the atmosphere; a large eruption, such as that of Mt. Pinatubo, in the Philippines, in 1992, can measurably cool the world for a year or two. This scheme, not surprisingly, has few public advocates,… Continue Reading

Climate Change from A to Z

The New Yorker – The stories we tell ourselves about the future – by Elizabeth Kolbert  November 21, 2022. 
Illustrations by Wesley Allsbrook [subscription req’d – this is an articulate, insightful and cleverly designed chronologically organized longread]: “…Both the effort to limit climate change (by replacing the world’s energy systems) and the effort to adapt… Continue Reading

Zero-Emission Vehicles Factbook, November 2022

“This special report, Zero-Emission Vehicles Factbook, November 2022, has been produced by BloombergNEF in cooperation with the Accelerating to Zero Coalition and in partnership with Bloomberg Philanthropies, to coincide with COP27, the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference. Since the last Conference of the Parties in 2021, global momentum towards zero-emissions road transport has continued… Continue Reading

How the forest dies

Washington Post: “The Amazon is going dry. In one parched corner, a desperate wait for water is only just beginning. For years, scientists have been warning that the Amazon is speeding toward a tipping point — the moment when deforestation and global warming would trigger an irreversible cascade of climatic forces, killing large swaths of… Continue Reading