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Category Archives: Climate Change

Fast fires

Reuters Graphics: “Fires are growing faster in the western United States. The fastest of them – termed “fast fires” – often erupt near towns and account for most structural wildfire damage according to researchers who analyzed over 60,000 fires from 2001 to 2020. Fast fires grow about 4,000 acres or more on their fastest day,… Continue Reading

Archivists Work to Identify and Save the Thousands of Datasets Disappearing From

404 Media – “Datasets aggregated on, the largest repository of U.S. government open data on the internet, are being deleted, according to the website’s own information. Since Donald Trump was inaugurated as president, more than 2,000 datasets have disappeared from the database. As people in the Data Hoarding and archiving communities have pointed out,… Continue Reading

Climate Deregulation Tracker

“The Climate Deregulation Tracker identified steps taken by the Trump administration and Congress to scale back or wholly eliminate federal climate mitigation and adaptation measures. The tracker is linked to our database of climate change regulations and our two other climate regulation trackers: the Climate Reregulation Tracker covering the Biden administration and the Climate Backtracker covering the second Trump administration. Read more about… Continue Reading

Climate Backtracker

“The Sabin Center’s new online tool – the Climate Backtracker – will identify steps taken by the Trump-Vance administration to scale back or wholly eliminate federal climate mitigation and adaptation measures. The Backtracker is the third iteration of Sabin Center climate regulation trackers. The first was the Climate Deregulation Tracker which tracked climate-related regulatory actions… Continue Reading

Silencing Science Tracker

“The Silencing Science Tracker is a joint initiative of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law and the Climate Science Legal Defense Fund. It tracks government attempts to restrict or prohibit scientific research, education or discussion, or the publication or use of scientific information, since the November 2016 election. Read more about the tracker and related resources. We… Continue Reading

World Monuments Fund Puts Moon on List of At-Risk Sites

The New York Times gift article: “The organization said that more than 90 important sites on the moon could risk destruction if space tourism is left unregulated. For years, the World Monuments Fund has sought to draw attention and resources to endangered cultural heritage sites including Machu Picchu in Peru, temples in Cambodia and the… Continue Reading

Donald Trump’s No. 2 Pick for the EPA Represented Companies Accused of Pollution Harm

ProPublica: “The man tapped by President Donald Trump to be second-in-command of the federal agency that protects the public from environmental dangers is a lawyer who has represented companies accused of harming people and the environment through pollution. David Fotouhi, a partner in the global law firm Gibson Dunn, played a key part in rolling… Continue Reading

The Teacher-Friendly Guideᵀᴹ to Climate Change

Paleontological Research Institution: “Welcome to enhanced and updated digital chapters of The Teacher-Friendly Guideᵀᴹ to Climate Change Links below go to these chapters on PRI’s Digital Encyclopedia of Earth Science and Here on Earth: Regional Guides. A guide for teachers (and others). The Teacher-Friendly Guideᵀᴹ to Climate Change, first published in 2017,  includes both the… Continue Reading

Protecting Your Home From Wildfire

California Chaparral Institute: Please download our comprehensive booklet on wildfire safety that explains how you can take control of saving your home. From The House Outward – Protecting your Home From Wildfire THE 3 FACTORS 1. Flying embers ignite most homes, because most homes are flammable. 2. It’s not the wildland vegetation, it’s the location.… Continue Reading

Top financial watchdog warns climate change set to trigger market panics

Financial Times – “Basel-based FSB says damage caused by floods, droughts and fires threatens broader pullback in lending, “The world’s financial stability watchdog has warned that disasters caused by climate change are increasingly likely to trigger broader panic in financial markets. The world breached 1.5C of warming above preindustrial levels for the first time last… Continue Reading