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Category Archives: Climate Change

Community Resilience Estimates for Heat

“Data is critical to providing information on how climate change affects Americans nationwide. This includes heat. Recently, the Commerce Department’s U.S. Census Bureau released estimates for heat that identifies areas across the country that are socially vulnerable to extreme heat. This data comes at a critical time as many parts of our nation face this… Continue Reading

What is the relation between climate change and violent conflicts?

German Foreign Office.: Climate & Conflict. What is the relation between climate change and violent conflicts? Which role do socio-economic scope conditions play in exacerbating climate impact? How can we allow analysts and policymaker to make better decisions — based on heterogenous, multi-faceted information sources?…we are currently investigating dynamic, data-driven hotspot detection as well as… Continue Reading

Capital markets: The hidden pipeline for fossil fuel financing

“A new report – Capital markets: The hidden pipeline for fossil fuel financing by the Sierra Club’s Fossil-Free Finance campaign on the role of big US banks in capital markets reveals a hidden pipeline for fossil fuel financing through the banks’ underwriting of bonds and equities for polluting companies. The analysis raises important questions about… Continue Reading

Climate and the Economy

“What the numbers say: Between 1970 and 2021, climate-related disasters resulted in economic losses of around $4.3T, with tropical cyclones responsible for the highest portion of losses at 38%, closely followed by floods which accounted for 32%. Relevance: According to professional services firm Aon’s 2023 Weather, Climate, and Catastrophe Insight, economic losses from hurricanes increased… Continue Reading

Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor 2023

“The Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor evaluates the transparency and integrity of companies’ climate pledges. Companies around the world are increasingly alert to the climate emergency. They face calls from a growing range of stakeholders to take responsibility for the impact of their activities. Most large companies now have public climate strategies and targets, many of… Continue Reading

Biggest Fossil Fuel Firms Responsible for a Third of Western Forests Burned

Yale Environment 360: “Emissions from the world’s 88 largest fossil fuel firms and cement makers are responsible for 37 percent of the forest burned in the western U.S. and Canada since 1986, according to a new study. “Over the last several decades, human-caused climate change has turned routine Western wildfires into exceptionally destructive events,” Kristina… Continue Reading

How fast are the seas rising?

Yale Climate Connections: “The modern era of human-caused climate change — the Anthropocene — has also been called the Pyrocene because we’ve entered an age of fire, characterized by large wildfires of increasing size, intensity, and duration. But we propose another term for the modern era: the Aquacene, a time of rapidly increasing flooding from… Continue Reading

Why is climate denial still thriving online?

DW: “Record global temperatures on July 3 kicked off the hottest week ever recorded as intense heat waves gripped the planet. Climate scientist Friederike Otto, of London’s Grantham Institute for Climate Change and the Environment, called the heat “a death sentence for people and ecosystems.” Yet, the next day, a political journalist in the United… Continue Reading

The Coolest Library on Earth

Hakai Magazine:  “At the University of Copenhagen, researchers store ice cores that hold the keys to Earth’s climate past and future…Copenhagen is one of several places in the world where pieces of ice cores drilled from our planet’s extremities are kept safely cold. Other large research freezers are located in the United States, Australia, France,… Continue Reading