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Category Archives: Climate Change

Please support DataRescue and other open access archive efforts

“DataRescue events create trustworthy copies of federal climate and environmental data, while the Internet Archive,, and a consortium of major research libraries holds these copies. See our sister project at See also: “Orientation to DataLumos – ICPSR’s archive to preserve valuable government data. Join us for a webinar on Feb 17, 2017 at 12:00… Continue Reading

Bioaccumulation of persistent organic pollutants in the deepest ocean fauna

Bioaccumulation of persistent organic pollutants in the deepest ocean fauna. Alan J. Jamieson, Tamas Malkocs, Stuart B. Piertney, Toyonobu Fujii & Zulin Zhang. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1, Article number: 0051 (2017) doi:10.1038/s41559-016-0051. “…We measured the concentrations of key PCBs and PBDEs in multiple endemic and ecologically equivalent Lysianassoid amphipod Crustacea from across two of the deepest… Continue Reading

A Crack in an Antarctic Ice Shelf Grew 17 Miles in the Last Two Months

The New York Times – February 7, 2017: “A rapidly advancing crack in Antarctica’s fourth-largest ice shelf has scientists concerned that it is getting close to a full break. The rift has accelerated this year in an area already vulnerable to warming temperatures. Since December, the crack has grown by the length of about five… Continue Reading

Congressman Gaetz Proposes Legislation to Abolish the EPA

News release, February 2, 2017 – “A Northwest Florida lawmaker wants to do away with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by 2018.  Congressman Matt Gaetz has his eyes set on abolishing the federal program as his first order of business in his new role…” Text of the bill is not yet available – the link is… Continue Reading

Scientists collaborate in effort to preserve and distribute research and government data

Follow up to previous posting – Will Government Science from agencies be deleted from public sites? – via The Intercept: “American scientists are under siege in the Trump administration because their work threatens to undermine Trump’s anti-science policies. As a result, some scientists have already begun trying to preserve government data they worry will be deleted,… Continue Reading

Mapping Wildland Values and Climate Change Vulnerability

Via NOAA – Using climate change projections, conservationists can assess which of the wildest lands remaining in the contiguous United States are most vulnerable to the impacts of future climate change – “Undeveloped natural areas—also known as wildlands—aren’t just empty land: these areas are essential for the health and sustainability of the environment and the ecosystems… Continue Reading

McClatchy – Trump team compiles infrastructure priority list

“This story has been updated to add details on the origin and circulation of information about potential infrastructure investments and White House comment.” Please read the entire article as it provides significant information and related documents on an evolving plan that includes precluding the participation of and benefits for states such as California. “President Donald… Continue Reading

NASA releases new series on climate change images

Houston Press – “NASA has just released a set of breathtaking photographs showing that — despite the repeated avowals of President Donald Trump that climate change isn’t a real thing — serious changes are happening in the world, and NASA has photographic proof. The series, “Images of Change,” has been dropped at a key moment… Continue Reading

Tara Penelope Calishain created list of National Parks Service Twitter accounts

Via Tara on FB: “Friends, I have created a list of National Parks Service Twitter accounts – about 225 of them. All official as far as I can determine. Please share if you find it useful. @ResearchBuzz/NPS Accounts on Twitter From breaking news and entertainment to sports and politics, get the full story with all… Continue Reading

WaPo Trump officials order agencies to restrict dispatches to public

Washington Post: “The new limits on public communications appear to be targeting agencies that are charged with overseeing environmental and scientific policy, prompting criticism from officials within the agencies and from outside groups focused on climate change. A memo to EPA communications staff said “no social media will be going out” and incoming media requests… Continue Reading

EPA staff directed to cease use of social media, blogs, press releases, agency site content updates

Via MediaITE: “In a memo sent out to staff at the Environmental Protection Agency, the Trump Administration has prohibited press releases, social media postings, blog posts or new content placed on the agency’s website.” Continue Reading

Science Librarian Focuses on Projects to Archive Gov Docs Post Obama

Around the Web: Saving Government Data from the Trumpocalypse by John Dupuis: “While I’m working on a major update to my Documenting the Donald Trump War on Science: Pre-Inauguration Edition and preparing for the first of the post-inauguration posts, I thought I’d whet everyone’s appetite with a post celebrating all the various efforts to save… Continue Reading