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Category Archives: Climate Change

Report on crumbling dams throughout US

Follow-up to previous posting – McClatchy – Trump team compiles infrastructure priority list – new via Stratfor – “…there are more than 80,000 dams in the United States, with an average age of 52 years. The suburban sprawl and growing populations have also put more people downstream of dams that once only served agricultural land,… Continue Reading

When Does Self-Interest Motivate Political Engagement? The Case of Climate Change

Levine, Adam Seth and Kline, Reuben, When Does Self-Interest Motivate Political Engagement? The Case of Climate Change (March 12, 2017). Available at SSRN: “Past work finds that material self-interest often motivates increased issue engagement. In this paper we identify an important condition under which the opposite can occur. When people see an issue as… Continue Reading

Presidential Executive Order on a Comprehensive Plan for Reorganizing the Executive Branch

COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR REORGANIZING THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH, March 13, 2017 – “By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1.  Purpose.  This order is intended to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability of the executive branch… Continue Reading

NYT – Activists Rush to Save Government Science Data

Follow up to previous postings – Why is federal government data disappearing? and Please support DataRescue and other open access archive efforts, the New York Times highlights efforts by proactive teams that include librarians, advocacy groups, grad students, coders, archivists and scientists – Activists Rush to Save Government Science Data — If They Can Find… Continue Reading

MAP: The most toxic country in the world

Via The Eco Experts: “Climate change is one of the greatest threats we face, with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warning that continued emissions of greenhouse gases at their current level could cause a disastrous and irreversible impact on the planet. The effects of climate change are already clear: 2016 has officially been… Continue Reading

White House proposes steep budget cut to leading climate science agency

Washington Post: “The Trump administration is seeking to slash the budget of one of the government’s premier climate science agencies by 17 percent, delivering steep cuts to research funding and satellite programs, according to a four-page budget memo obtained by The Washington Post. The proposed cuts to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration would also… Continue Reading

Forest dynamics in U.S. indicate disproportionate attrition in western forests, rural areas and public lands

Forest dynamics in the U.S. indicate disproportionate attrition in western forests, rural areas and public lands. Sheng Yang, Giorgos Mountrakis. PLOS. Published: February 22, 2017. “Forests are experiencing significant changes; studying geographic patterns in forests is critical in understanding the impact of forest dynamics to biodiversity, soil erosion, water chemistry and climate. Few studies… Continue Reading

Just HOW EARLY is spring arriving in your neighborhood? Find out

USGS: “Get your flip-flops and shorts out because spring is arriving very early this year . . . at least 2-3 weeks early across almost the entire Southeast, from San Antonio to Atlanta to Washington, D.C.  This unusually early spring is likely to keep rolling north, already bringing surprising signs of spring to portions of the central Midwest… Continue Reading

Mirror copy of EPA website prior to Trump preserved for researchers and public

FastCoExist: “Should sections of the Environmental Protection Agency‘s website go the way of the civil rights and climate-change pages of the White House website—in other words, disappear—the agency is prepared. Even if Donald Trump takes the whole EPA site offline, a mirror copy of the website exists online, and it reflects the way the site… Continue Reading

Report – Humanity’s Garbage Keeps Piling Up in the Arctic Ocean

Less ice and more shipping traffic has left the seafloor looking like the side of a New Jersey highway. John Metcalf, Feb 16, 2017. This post is part of a CityLab series on wastelands, and what we squander, discard, and fritter away. “Humanity’s trash has near-universal dominion in the ocean. It swirls in the waves… Continue Reading

WaPo – NASA is posting climate change science info on social media that contradict views of Trump and his top officials

NASA is posting climate change science info on social media that contradict views of Trump and his top officials: “If you peruse NASA’s social media feeds dedicated to climate change, you would have no clue a new administration has taken power that has expressed doubts about the reality or seriousness of the issue. Every day, NASA has… Continue Reading