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Category Archives: Climate Change

Flooded Again: Visualizing Repeated Flooding Across the U.S.

NRDC: “For communities across the country, flooding is an all-too-frequent experience—and, often, one with devastating consequences.  Over 250,000 properties in the United States have had multiple claims under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). These “repetitive loss properties” are found in every U.S. state as well as Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and… Continue Reading

Huge study from The Economist about car bloat in the US

The Economist [unpaywalled]: “…For all the safety features available in cars today to help them avoid crashes, the laws of physics are cruel. When two vehicles collide, it is usually the heavier one that prevails. This advantage has changed little over time. Thirty years ago when a passenger car crashed with a pickup truck or… Continue Reading

A bottle of water per email: the hidden environmental costs of using AI chatbots

Washington Post [unpaywalled]: AI bots generate a lot of heat, and keeping their computer servers running exacts a toll. Roughly a quarter of Americans have used ChatGPT since the chatbot’s 2022 release, according to the Pew Research Center — and every query exacts a cost. Chatbots use an immense amount of power to respond to… Continue Reading

MA only state to successfully cut food wasts

Washington Post: “Researchers studied the effect of five laws requiring supermarkets and restaurants to reduce waste, part of a broader effort to keep food out of landfills, where it contributes to climate change…Nearly every state-led effort to ban food waste analyzed by researchers appears to be failing — except one, according to a new study.… Continue Reading

U.S. Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility Map

“Landslides are a damaging, disruptive, and potentially deadly geologic hazard. While landslides occur in every U.S. State, their impacts are often a localized and episodic phenomenon, plus landslide types and triggering mechanisms vary widely across the country. Looking at past incidents help us to understand and prepare for landslides, but information about historic landslide events… Continue Reading

FHFA Releases Mortgage Loan and Natural Disaster Dashboard

“The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) released an online risk analysis tool [and a FAQ] that provides geographic estimates for physical risks from various types of natural disasters as well as nationwide data on housing and the mortgage market. The tool — known as the Mortgage Loan and Natural Disaster Dashboard — is intended to give… Continue Reading

On Slicks and Satellites: An Open Source Guide to Marine Oil Spill Detection

Bellingcat: “Almost every week, oil spills are reported somewhere in the world. From ships dumping contaminating ballast water or breaking down on coral reefs, to direct attacks on oil pipelines and tankers. The larger the spill, the bigger the media attention. This year alone, off the coast of Trinidad and Tobago, a Bellingcat investigation found… Continue Reading

The world is pumping out 57 million tons of plastic pollution a year

“A new study from the University shines a light on the enormous scale of uncollected rubbish and open burning of plastic waste in the first ever global plastics pollution inventory. Researchers used A.I. to model waste management in more than 50,000 municipalities around the world. This model allowed the team to predict how much waste… Continue Reading