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Category Archives: Climate Change

What to Do with All This Broken Stuff? Cities Aim to Help People Fix It

Route Fifty – “…Across the country, municipalities are helping residents repair mendable belongings, keep material out of landfills and save money… Also known as repair cafés, fix-it clinics have gained popularity in recent years as a way for local governments to encourage residents to reduce, reuse and recycle. It can also help them save money,… Continue Reading

Survival of the Friendliest

Nautilus: “…Evolutionary progress can be propelled both by the competitive struggle to adapt to an environment, and by the relaxation of selective forces. When natural selection on an organism is relaxed, the creative powers of mutation can be unshackled and evolution accelerated. The relief of an easier life can inspire new biological forms just as… Continue Reading

2019 Urban Mobility Report

Published by The Texas A&M Transportation Institute with cooperation from INRIX: “The ‘2019 Urban Mobility Report’ highlights the reality of how motorists in the largest urban areas across the U.S. are experiencing the negative effects of congestion levels in their daily lives. In 2017, the average commuter wasted nearly 7 full working days in extra… Continue Reading

Climate change has increased humidity in D.C., making it feel even hotter

Washington Post – Humidity has increased 5 to 10 percent since 1970, turning hot summer days even more unbearable: “It’s no secret the world is warming, but thanks in part to climate change, humidity is also beginning to surge. Here in Washington, that means the punishing combination of heat and humidity is becoming more oppressive.… Continue Reading

See a different endangered animal in every U.S. state

National Geographic – This interactive map highlights lesser-known endangered species across America. “The Wyoming toad may be North America’s most endangered amphibian. Disease and habitat loss drove the lumpy, spotted toad into such rapid decline in the 20th century that by 1984, there were only about 16 wild toads left, all in a single county… Continue Reading

Univ of Washington – New portal takes you deep within the ocean’s hidden world “”n her introductory oceanography class, Cheryl Greengrove’s undergraduate students learn how one of the most critical forces of nature — upwelling — ties the rotation of the Earth, weather patterns and climate to what is happening in the ocean. Now, with a new Interactiveoceans website launched in June, her students will be able to… Continue Reading

Trump administration deals blow to Endangered Species Act and disregards climate crisis

Washington Post: “The Trump administration moved on Monday to weaken how it applies the 45-year-old Endangered Species Act, ordering changes that critics said will speed the loss of animals and plants at a time of record global extinctions . The action, which expands the administration’s rewrite of U.S. environmental laws, is the latest that targets… Continue Reading

Climate Change Is Triggering More Heat Waves, Droughts, And Crop Yield Declines

“Land is already under growing human pressure and climate change is adding to these pressures. At the same time, keeping global warming to well below 2ºC can be achieved only by reducing greenhouse gas emissions from all sectors including land and food, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said in its latest report  –… Continue Reading

Want Safe, Bikeable Streets? Get Rid of Free Parking, as Amsterdam Did

StreetsBlogNYC – The city’s $8-an-hour fees, residential permits, and limits to car ownership made it the world’s cycling capital. Is New York brave enough to try it? – “Reminder: Amsterdam wasn’t Amsterdam until it was Amsterdam. The famed “bike capital” of the world was once as congested and car-choked as the worst Western cities. So how… Continue Reading

Speak Up Now to Save Our National Forests

Outside – The Trump administration is trying to remove public input from Forest Service decision-making – “The Trump administration is quietly trying to strip public input from the decision-making process used by the U.S. Forest Service. Doing so would mean that logging companies could clear-cut at many as 4,200 acres at a time, and you… Continue Reading