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Category Archives: Blogs

Pew Survey on Future of Internet and Google’s Window to the Past

Press release: Technology experts and scholars foresee a bigger role for the internet in people’s personal and work lives in the next decade: “The Future of the Internet: A wide-ranging survey of technology leaders, scholars, industry officials, and analysts finds that most internet experts expect attacks on the network infrastructure in the coming decade as… Continue Reading

Delivering the News with Blogs: The Georgia State University Library Experience

Delivering the News with Blogs: The Georgia State University Library Experience (31 pages, PDF) ABSTRACT: To deliver information about library news, services and resources to the science faculty and students at Georgia State University, several librarians developed a blog, Science News. Despite the increasing popularity of blogs (or weblogs), few libraries have taken advantage of… Continue Reading

The Increasing Influence of Blogs Is Highlighted in Magazines, Reports and Articles in 2004

AP documents the increasing influence of blogs, which are recognized as having made a significant impact this past year in reporting on breaking news events, political issues, and technology innovations, as just a few examples. In addition, the December 27, 2004 issue of TIME has two articles on blogging, one which requires a subscription to… Continue Reading

The Growing Impact of Blogs in the Corporate Arena has an extensive article on the slippery slope effect of relying on the “viral” linking aspect of blogs to promote products, as well as highlighting recent examples of the enormous impact of bloggers’ responses to instances of what they perceive as corporate misdeeds and the marketing of faulty products. Related article from the New… Continue Reading

Science Advisory Board Hosting Quintet of Blogs

The Science Advisory Board is now hosting five unique blogs authored by its members. Science, Politics and Ethics , “Debate current events and controversial issues in science and medicine” Science: Uncovering and Discovering, “Explore the creative and technical sides of science” In Translation: Molecular Approaches to Cancer, “Discuss insights into one of science’s greatest challenges”… Continue Reading