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Category Archives: Blogs

BusinessWeek Takes on Corporate Blogging

BusinessWeekOnline embraces blogs in a big way – Blogs Will Change Your Business Look past the yakkers, hobbyists, and political mobs. Your customers and rivals are figuring blogs out. Our advice: Catch up…or catch you later and the new BusinessWeek blog: Blogspotting, Where the worlds of business, media and blogs collide Continue Reading

Bloggers Brief in Apple v. Does Case

From EFF, Bloggers Speak Up in Apple Case: “Groups working to protect journalists’ press freedoms, the creator of a blog-search tool, weblog publishers, and more than a dozen individual online journalist/bloggers filed a friend-of-the-court brief (PDF) [April 11] in Apple v. Does — the case in which Apple Computer is seeking to unmask online journalists’… Continue Reading

BBC Campaign Weblog

“Welcome to the Election Monitor, the BBC News website’s campaign weblog. From now until polling day, we will be bringing you first-hand reports from around the country from our team of correspondents, as well as the best of the newspapers, choice morsels from the web, and your e-mails.” Also provides an RSS feed. Continue Reading

Privacy Group Publishes Guide to Blogging Anonymously

From the Electronic Frontier Foundation, How to Blog Safely (About Work or Anything Else) “The guide covers basic measures people can take to keep their blogs anonymous and explores what the law says about discussing work-related issues online.” Useful comments on the information in the aforementioned guide are available on this posting, Blogging Anonymously? Yes,… Continue Reading

New Report on PR Impact of Blogs

Press release: “A newly published white paper on blogs from Edelman, the world’s largest independent public relations firm, and Intelliseek, a marketing intelligence firm and provider of one of the Internet’s leading blog portals, explores the importance of the blogging phenomenon for public relations and marketers and provides a first-of-its-kind directory of influential bloggers, segmented… Continue Reading

FEC Proposed Rule on Internet Communications

Summary: The Federal Election Commission requests comments on proposed changes to its rules that would include paid advertisements on the Internet in the definition of “public communication.” These changes to the Commission’s rules would implement the recent decision of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in Shays v. Federal Election Commission, which… Continue Reading