Follow-up to posting yesterday, Gallup Internet Poll Reports E-mail Remains Dominant With Blogs Making Decent Showing, related news and statistics on the State of the Blogosphere, February 2006 Part 1: On Blogosphere Growth. Continue Reading
Follow-up to posting yesterday, Gallup Internet Poll Reports E-mail Remains Dominant With Blogs Making Decent Showing, related news and statistics on the State of the Blogosphere, February 2006 Part 1: On Blogosphere Growth. Continue Reading
Press release: Mail and News Are Main Internet Attractions Some e-commerce picking up; blogs still marginal, by Lydia Saad: “A recent Gallup Poll examining Americans’ online habits finds e-mail use almost universal among the three-quarters of U.S. adults who use the Internet. Checking the news and weather ranks second on the list of 13 Internet… Continue Reading
Press release: Microsoft Outlines Policy Framework for Dealing with Government Restrictions on Blog Content Continue Reading
Congress catching on to the value of blogs Continue Reading
Pew Internet & American Life Project press release, January 22, 2006: “Internet access is the norm for most Americans, up to age 70, and all age cohorts of internet users (ages 12 and older) are equally likely to use email; about 90% of all internet users send or receive email. Given the many other variations… Continue Reading
Following up on the news this week, Google Fights DOJ Order to Produce Records of Database Searches, this related posting Privacy and MSN Search states the the facts as follows: “Over the summer we were subpoenaed by the DOJ regarding a lawsuit. The subpoena requested that we produce data from our search service. We worked… Continue Reading
I am delighted to announce the addition of three new columns on, authored by leading professionals from different spheres of our community. Law librarian and blogger Connie Crosby writes about The Tao of Law Librarianship, the second installment of which is titled Do-It-Yourself Professional Development. Faulkner’s Practical Web Strategies for Attorneys, by Frederick L.… Continue Reading
Spirit of America sponsors The Anoniblogging Wiki: “This wiki contains our five initial guides on how to blog more safely [targeted to citizens in Saudi Arabia, Iran, China, Malaysia and Zimbabwe]. Across the globe, countries that discourage free speech have followed their citizens into the blogosphere. According to one count, in the last two years… Continue Reading
Malware – Future Trends, by Dancho Danchev,10/01/06 (26 pages, PDF). “Malware has truly evolved during the last couple of years. Its potential for financial and network based abuse was quickly realized, and thus, tactics changed, consolidation between different parties occurred, and the malware scene became overly monetized, with its services available on demand. What are… Continue Reading
Corporate responsibility: Reporters Without Borders urges Internet users and bloggers to support its recommendations on freedom of expression. Related reference: Handbook for bloggers and cyber-dissidents Continue Reading
Fortune 500 Business Blogging Wiki: “This is a directory of Fortune 500 companies that have business blogs, defined as: active public blogs by company employees about the company and/or its products.” Currently there are 19 listings that include links to the respective blogs. Continue Reading
The Law Page is a new, centralized webpage from which readers may link to a range of information and commentary on law and business related issues that the Journal is aggregating from current content as well as additional sources. This includes news links from Mealey’, and a new column, The FLaw, on law firm management… Continue Reading