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Category Archives: Blogs

Advocacy Groups Support Protections for Blogger’s Speech on the Net

Op-Ed in Roll Call by CDT Officials Supports Protecting Bloggers without Opening Soft Money Loopholes in the Campaign Finance Laws: “H.R. 4900 protects bloggers and small speakers far better than does H.R 1606, and by design, it does not create other loopholes in the campaign finance laws. Those who truly want to protect bloggers and… Continue Reading

House Cmte. Approves Exemption For Bloggers From FEC Regulations

H.R. 1606, To amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to exclude communications over the Internet from the definition of public communication, was passed by the House Administration Committee today, by voice vote. Press release: “The Committee on House Administration (CHA) by unanimous voice vote Thursday approved legislation that would free bloggers and other… Continue Reading

Advocacy Group Proposes Legislation to Protection Online Political Speech

“CDT today offered a legislative proposal that would exempt the vast majority of individual speakers on the Internet from campaign finance laws, without creating loopholes that could be easily exploited by state political parties and large donors. CDT drafted the proposal in response to mounting efforts in the House of Representatives to pass a measure… Continue Reading

Blogger Reports on Rare Weekend Email About Upcoming Briefing on Spy Program

The Brad Blog posted the text of an e-mail message to House Judiciary Committee members and staff alerting them to an “Unclassified briefing by DOJ on NSA surveillance program” to “be held at 3 pm on Monday, Feb 13th.” Escalating bipartisan congressional demands to be provided with more extensive documentation on the domestic surveillance program… Continue Reading