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Category Archives: Blogs

"Wiki the Vote" Project on Congresspedia Profiles Congressional Candidates in the 2008 Election

“On Tuesday, the Center for Media and Democracy and the Sunlight Foundation launched a new collaborative, citizen-driven project on Congresspedia to build profiles on the hundreds of challengers for congressional seats, which will compliment the existing profiles on every member of Congress. The project is non-partisan and, in true open-source fashion, is free for anyone… Continue Reading

Recent CRS Report – Congress and the Internet: Highlights

Congress and the Internet: Highlights, August 29, 2007 (24 pages, PDF), by Walter J. Oleszek. “Today, every lawmaker is an “electronic legislator” to one degree or another because the major functions of Congress – representation, lawmaking, and oversight – are all affected by technology…” [via] Continue Reading

DHS Releases National Preparedness Guidelines

Press release: “The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced today publication of two important tools to organize and synchronize national efforts to strengthen preparedness: (1) the National Preparedness Guidelines, which establish a vision for national preparedness and provide a systematic approach for prioritizing preparedness efforts across the Nation; and (2) the Target Capabilities List,… Continue Reading

FEC Applies Media Exemption to Political Blogs

Press release: “The Federal Election Commission announced today that it has unanimously resolved two complaints alleging that Internet blog activity is subject to Commission regulation, finding that the activity is exempt from regulation under the media or volunteer exemption. In Matter Under Review (MUR) 5928, the Commission determined that Kos Media, L.L.C., which operates the… Continue Reading

Google Adds New Features to Book Search, Advanced Search and Google Reader

Google Launches New Features to Collect, Share, and Discover New Books – ComputerWorld: “Users may now…”create and search their own library built on Google Book Search, so they can organize, annotate and do a full text search through the books they have chosen…share their expertise by allowing them to annotate their libraries with labels, write… Continue Reading

Current Awareness Search Engine Indexes 1,400 RSS Feeds on Library Related Topics

“LibWorm Beta is intended to be a search engine, a professional development tool, and a current awareness tool for people who work in libraries or care about libraries. LibWorm collects updates from about 1400 RSS feeds (and growing). The contents of these feeds are then available for searching, and search results can themselves be output… Continue Reading

Medical RSS Filter Engine Offers Over 4000 Authoritative RSS Feeds

“MedWorm is a medical RSS feed provider as well as a search engine built on data collected from RSS feeds…MedWorm collects updates from over 4000 authoritative data sources (growing each day) via RSS feeds. From the data collected, MedWorm provides new outgoing RSS feeds on various medical categories that you can subscribe to, via the… Continue Reading

New Research Promotes the Value of Banks Developing Social Media Presence

Press release: “One of the latest reports from Javelin Strategy & Research shows why financial institutions must engage in blogging now, and provides specific steps for assessing this powerful new brand-building and customer-connection capability into 2008-10 strategic plans. According to the study of over 3,500 consumers, one in five online consumers read blogs, yet blogs… Continue Reading

Iraqi State Library Again in Danger

The Guardian: “Thousands of rare books and manuscripts in Iraq’s national library and archive, one of the country’s most important cultural institutions, are in peril after the occupation of the building by Iraqi security forces, the library’s director said yesterday.” Related: Diary of Saad Eskander, Director of the Iraq National Library and Archive: July 2007… Continue Reading

New Texas Digital Library's Blog

“I would like to announce the launch of the Texas Digital Library’s (TDL) blog, The Scholar’s Space, featuring a team of four contributors (including me), with more to come over the next few months. The Scholar’s Space joins scholarly communications blogs sponsored by friends at other colleges and universities, and national and international organizations. We’ll… Continue Reading

TechnoLawyer BlawgWorld 2007

TechnoLawyer BlawgWorld 2007: “BlawgWorld 2007 is the best way to explore and discover legal blogs (blawgs). It features 77 remarkable essays from 77 of the most influential blawgs. Each blogger handpicked their best essay of the year for inclusion in the eBook. The 2007 TechnoLawyer Problem/Solution Guide is a revolutionary new way to find Solutions… Continue Reading