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Category Archives: Blogs

Homeland Security Haiti Social Media Disaster Monitoring Initiative

Privacy Impact Assessment for the Office of Operations Coordination and Planning Haiti Social Media Disaster Monitoring Initiative, January 21, 2010: “The Office of Operations Coordination and Planning (OPS), National Operations Center (NOC), has launched a Haiti Social Media Disaster Monitoring Initiative (Initiative) to assist the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and its components involved in… Continue Reading

State of the Twittersphere January 2010

State of the Twittersphere January 2010: “So what’s the State of the Twittersphere today? Twitter’s growth is slower. Growth has fallen from a high of 13% in March of 2009 to 3.5% in October 2009, the most recent month for which we have data…In the more recent period, experienced users makeup a larger portion of… Continue Reading

Report: Social Networking in Government: Opportunities & Challenges

Report: Social Networking in Government: Opportunities & Challenges, Human Capital Institute, January 2010 “Social networking (SN) has become the new online rage. Blogs, wikis, RSS feeds and social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn have provided creative ways to recruit, engage, connect and retain employees. They have also provided an opportunity to facilitate strategic… Continue Reading

Book Review – The Secret Sentry: The Untold History of the National Security

The New York Review of Books – Who’s in Big Brother’s Database? By James Bamford – The Secret Sentry: The Untold History of the, National Security Agency, by Matthew M. Aid, Bloomsbury. “…this library expects few visitors. It’s being built by the ultra-secret National Security Agency — which is primarily responsible for “signals intelligence,” the… Continue Reading

FTC, Partners Launch Consumer Protection Week Web Site, Blog

News release: “The Federal Trade Commission has launched its Web site and blog for National Consumer Protection Week 2010, which will be held March 7-13., encourages people to learn about their rights as consumers, and promotes free resources to help them protect their privacy, manage money and debt, avoid identity theft, understand credit and… Continue Reading

EPIC Defends Privacy of Facebook Users: Files Complaint with the Federal Trade Commission

News release: “EPIC has filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission, urging the FTC to open an investigation into Facebook’s revised privacy settings. The EPIC complaint, signed by nine other privacy and consumer organizations, states that the “changes violate user expectations, diminish user privacy, and contradict Facebook’s own representations.” EPIC cites widespread opposition from… Continue Reading

"Creative Destruction" or Just "Destruction", How Will Journalism Survive the Internet Age?

“The Federal Trade Commission will hold two days of workshops on December 1 and 2, 2009, to explore how the Internet has affected journalism. The workshop will assemble representatives from print, online, broadcast and cable news organizations, academics, consumer advocates, bloggers, and other new media representatives.” Opening Remarks of Chairman Jon Leibowitz “Creative Destruction” or… Continue Reading

New on – Access to Social Websites in The Legal Environment – Fall 2009

Access to Social Websites in The Legal Environment – Fall 2009 – Part 1: Survey of Law Librarians in Selected Firms, County/State Law Libraries and Law Schools. To ascertain the current use of social websites/media in law firms, a survey was conducted among Law Librarians entitled Computer Use in Your Organization. In addition to the… Continue Reading

The Application Usage and Risk Report – An Analysis of End User Application Trends in the Enterprise

The Application Usage and Risk Report – An Analysis of End User Application Trends in the Enterprise, Fall Edition 2009, Palo Alto Networks: “Social networking, blogging/microblogging, cloud-based productivity and collaborative applications are just a few of the applications that are making the cross over from personal to corporate use as a means of improving productivity.… Continue Reading

2009 Business Social Media Benchmarking Study

2009 Business Social Media Benchmarking Study “was designed to assess current trends in the use of social media in North American businesses. Based on 2,948 valid responses to our online Business Social Media Benchmarking Survey during August and early September, 2009, the results provide a very useful benchmark for where businesses, and business people, are… Continue Reading