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Category Archives: Blogs

Pew: Generations 2010 – Rise in Email Use, Decline in Blogging

Generations 2010, Kathryn Zickuhr, Web Coordinator, 12/16/2010 “There are still notable differences by generation in online activities, but the dominance of the Millennial generation that we documented in our first “Generations” report in 2009 has slipped in many activities. Milliennials, those ages 18-33, remain more likely to access the internet wirelessly with a laptop or… Continue Reading

White Paper – Policing Content in the Quasi-Public Sphere

Policing Content in the Quasi-Public Sphere, Jillian C. York, The OpenNet Initiative (ONI), November 2010 “Online conversations today exist primarily in the realm of social media and blogging platforms, most of which are owned by private companies. Such privately owned platforms now occupy a significant role in the public sphere, as places in which ideas… Continue Reading

Global 'Digital Life' research project reveals major changes in online behaviour

News release: “The largest ever global research project into people’s online activities and behaviour – Digital Life – was launched today, ‘digital day’ by TNS, the world’s biggest custom research company. Covering nearly 90 per cent of the world’s online population through 50,000 interviews with consumers in 46 countries, the study reveals major changes in… Continue Reading

eMarketer report: more than half of internet users will read blogs at least monthly

The Continued Rise of Blogging: “Social networks and microblogs have in recent years nudged blogging off the social media pedestal. For some consumers, who have more communication tools at their fingertips than they did a few years ago, Facebook and Twitter have supplanted blogging as life-streaming outlets. But blogs continue to be important. eMarketer estimates… Continue Reading

Pew Internet Report: Older Adults and Social Media

Older Adults and Social Media – Social networking use among those ages 50 and older nearly doubled over the past year, Mary Madden, Senior Research Specialist, August 27, 2010: “While social media use has grown dramatically across all age groups, older users have been especially enthusiastic over the past year about embracing new networking tools.… Continue Reading

Google Realtime Search: a new home with new tools

Official Google Blog: When we first introduced our real-time search features last December, we focused on bringing relevance to the freshest information on the web. Our goal was to provide real-time content from a comprehensive set of sources, integrated right into your usual search results. Today we’re making our most significant enhancements to date, giving… Continue Reading

Use Microblogging to Increase Productivity

Use Microblogging to Increase Productivity, by Jeanne C Meister and Karie Willyerd, Harvard Business Review “There are a number of internal solutions that allow employees to share messages and information with each other, including Yammer and Socialtext. Laurence Smith, Vice President of Global Learning & Development at LG Electronics in Seoul, Korea has become an… Continue Reading

The 2010 State CIO Survey

The 2010 state CIO survey – Perspectives and trends from state government IT leaders August 2010 “Two-thirds of CIOs expect lower IT budgets in 2011 through 2013. Some are turning to staff reductions, IT consolidation, shared services and other solutions to lower costs. However, they say that tight budgets stimulate creative solutions for increasing IT… Continue Reading

American Customer Satisfaction Index: Internet news & information; Internet portals & search engines, Internet social media

The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) Report on E-Business: Internet Portals & Search Engines, News & Information, and Social Media Websites, July 20, 2010. Commentary by Professor Claes Fornell: Google Dips Sharply but Holds Off Bing; Leads All E-Business Websites; Facebook and MySpace Fail to Satisfy Continue Reading