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Category Archives: Blogs

Pew Report: Social networking sites and our lives

Social networking sites and our lives How people’s trust, personal relationships, and civic and political involvement are connected to their use of social networking sites and other technologies, June 16, 2011 “Questions have been raised about the social impact of widespread use of social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, and Twitter. Do these technologies… Continue Reading

Pew Internet Twitter Update 2011

13% of online adults use Twitter Half of Twitter users access the service “on the go” via mobile phone, Aaron Smith, Senior Research Specialist, 6/1/2011 “Twitter adoption is particularly high among non-whites Non-white internet users continue to have higher rates of Twitter use than their white counterparts; indeed, the Twitter adoption gap between African-Americans and… Continue Reading

GSA's Offers Info and Links to Free Social Media Applications for Government Agencies

Via GSA’s “Social media apps make it easier to create and distribute content and discuss the things we care about and help us get the job done. Social media includes various online technology tools that enable people to communicate easily and share information. Social media includes text, audio, video, images, podcasts, and other multimedia… Continue Reading

Bin Laden Raid Tweeted Live By Unsuspecting Neighbor

Via TPMMuckraker: “Until last night, Twitter use @ReallyVirtual had fewer than 1,000 followers. Yesterday he was Tweeting about a strange event in his neighborhood in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Turns out he was unknowingly chronicling the undercover raid which killed Osama bin Laden, as it happened. “ReallyVirtual”, who identifies himself as Sohaib Athar, says he’s an “IT… Continue Reading

Total Tweeters By Party – 402: “We believe transparent government is better government. Twitter enables real conversation between lawmakers and voters, in real time. Find your representatives in Congress, follow them…* Democrat 167, * Independent 2, * Republican 233” Continue Reading

Commentary: Welcome to the age of data: Watch your back!

Welcome to the age of data: Watch your back! by Molly Wood “This week’s iPhone location tracking scandal is just the latest glaring spotlight on how much of your personal information is gushing out the door, whether unprotected on your own devices and ripe for the picking, or into corporate and botnet servers worldwide. Personal… Continue Reading

Best Practices Study of Social Media Records Policies

Best Practices Study of Social Media Records Policies, ACT-IAC Collaboration & Transformation (C&T) Shared Interest Group (SIG), March 2011 “Government agencies are increasingly incorporating Web 2.0 collaborative technologies, also known as social media, such as wikis and blogs, in conducting agency business. Federal recordkeeping requirements include developing and implementing policies for Federal records and cover… Continue Reading

Privacy Impact Assessment for the Use of Unidirectional Social Media Applications Communications and Outreach

Privacy Impact Assessment for the Use of Unidirectional Social Media Applications Communications and Outreach, March 8, 2011. Kathleen McShea Director of New Media and Web Communications, Office of Public Affairs, Department of Homeland Security “Unidirectional social media applications encompass a range of applications, often referred to as applets or widgets, that allow users to view… Continue Reading

Top 50 bike blogs 2011

Via the London Cyclist, the list includes blogs around the world: “Here is 2011’s top cycling blogs list. Enjoy and make sure you add some more great blogs to your RSS or Twitter feeds. The list is based on factors including page rank, Alexa Rank, Google In-links, Twitter and number of comments.” Continue Reading