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Category Archives: Blogs

EPIC: Facebook Offers Revised “Download Your Information” Option

EPIC: “The New York Times reported that Facebook would provide users with a downloadable archive containing many types of data that the company stores about users. Although the new archive contains more user information than Facebook first offered in 2010, Max Schrems, the German law student and founder of Europe v. Facebook, said that Facebook… Continue Reading

New Paper – Salience vs. Commitment: Dynamics of Political Hashtags in Russian Twitter

Salience vs. Commitment: Dynamics of Political Hashtags in Russian Twitter by Vladimir Barash and John Kelly “Building off our recent mapping of Russian Twitter, in this paper we analyze the dynamics of political hashtags representing a range of political issues and big news stories–from terrorist bombings, to pro-government issues, to topics preferred by the opposition.… Continue Reading

EFF: UK Government Proposes Law Monitoring Every Email, Phone Call, and Text Message

EFF: “On Sunday, the United Kingdom’s Prime Minister David Cameron and the Interior Ministry were forced to defend a sweeping wiretapping proposal, which would aim to monitor every single email, text message, and phone call flowing through the whole country. The proposal would likely force all UK Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to install “black boxes”… Continue Reading

NielsonWire – Buzz in the Blogosphere: Millions More Bloggers and Blog Readers

Buzz in the Blogosphere: Millions More Bloggers and Blog Readers, March 8, 2012 “Blogs are sometimes overlooked as a significant source of online buzz in comparison to social networking sites, yet consumer interest in blogs keeps growing. By the end of 2011, NM Incite, a Nielsen/McKinsey company, tracked over 181 million blogs around the world,… Continue Reading

Institute for Legal Reform Study -The Plaintiffs' Bar Goes Digital

The Plaintiffs’ Bar Goes Digital – An Analysis of the Digital Marketing Efforts of Plaintiffs’ Attorneys & Litigation Firms, January 2012 “The U.S. tort system cost $264.6 billion in 2010, fueled in part by the plaintiffs’ bar’s constant pursuit of new clients and cases. Like any big business, the plaintiffs’ bar is committed to clever… Continue Reading

Congressional Oversight of Agency Public Communications: Implications of Agency New Media Use

CRS – Congressional Oversight of Agency Public Communications: Implications of Agency New Media Use. Kevin R. Kosar, Analyst in American National Government, March 14, 2012 “This report intends to assist Congress in its oversight of executive branch agencies’ public communications. Here, “public communications” refers to agency communications that are directed to the public. Many, and… Continue Reading

Who Gives A Tweet? Evaluating Microblog Content Value

Who Gives A Tweet? Evaluating Microblog Content Value, Paul André – Carnegie Mellon; Michael Bernstein – MIT, and Kurt Luther – Georgia Tech, February 2012 “While microblog readers have a wide variety of reactions to the content they see, studies have tended to focus on extremes such as retweeting and unfollowing. To understand the broad… Continue Reading

Bloggers Under Fire "tracks instances of bloggers, Internet users being threatened, arrested, harassed, harmed

Bloggers Under Fire: “As activists and ordinary citizens around the world are increasingly making use of the Internet to express their opinions and connect with others, many governments are increasing their surveillance and censorship capabilities and taking legal or extrajudicial actions against bloggers and social media users. The threats to netizens are increasing. The Committee… Continue Reading

New on – SharePoint Blogging with Permission

Via – SharePoint Blogging with Permission – Lorette S.J. Weldon continues to share her guides on how librarians in various sectors can effectively leverage SharePoint within the enterprise, in groups, and with individuals outside the organization. She refers to her 2010 survey, “How is SharePoint used in Libraries?” that found 16 out of 54… Continue Reading

EPIC – FOIA Documents Reveal Homeland Security is Monitoring Political Dissent

“As the result of EPIC v. DHS, a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, EPIC has obtained nearly thee hundred pages of documents detailing a Department of Homeland Security’s surveillance program. The documents include contracts and statements of work with General Dynamics for 24/7 media and social network monitoring and periodic reports to DHS. The documents… Continue Reading

Nilsen Wire – Report: Consumer Media Usage Across TV, Online, Mobile and Social

News release: “Almost one in three U.S. TV households – 35.9 million – owns four or more televisions, according to Nielsen’s State of the Media: Consumer Usage Report. Across the ever-changing U.S. media landscape, TV maintains its stronghold as the most popular device, with 290 million Americans and 114.7 households owning at least one. In… Continue Reading

LLRX – Competitive Intelligence – A Selective Resource Guide – Completely Updated

Competitive Intelligence – A Selective Resource Guide – Completely Updated – December 2011: Sabrina I. Pacifici’s comprehensive, current awareness guide focuses on leveraging a wide but selected range of reliable, focused, predominantly free websites and resources to effectively track, monitor, analyze, background and review current and historical data, news, reports, and profiles on companies, markets,… Continue Reading