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Category Archives: Blogs

Research Blogs and the Discussion of Scholarly Information

Research Blogs and the Discussion of Scholarly Information, Shema H, Bar-Ilan J, Thelwall M (2012) Research Blogs and the Discussion of Scholarly Information. PLoS ONE 7(5): e35869. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0035869: “The research blog has become a popular mechanism for the quick discussion of scholarly information. However, unlike peer-reviewed journals, the characteristics of this form of scientific discourse… Continue Reading

Pew Survey – Twitter Use 2012

Twitter Use 2012: Findings – “Some 15% of online adults use Twitter as of February 2012, and 8% do so on a typical day. Although overall Twitter usage has nearly doubled since the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project first asked a stand-alone Twitter question in November 2010, the 15% of online adults… Continue Reading

DHS National Operations Center Media Monitoring Capability Desktop Reference Binder 2011

Via EPIC FOIA release, Analyst’s Desktop Binder 2011 Redacted, Department of Homeland Security National Operations Center Media Monitoring Capability, Desktop Reference Binder. “MMC [media monitoring capability] coverage focuses primarily on providing information on incidents of national significance, which are usually defined as catastrophic events that result in wide-scale damage or disruption to the nation’s critical… Continue Reading

Dow Jones Announces Twitter Content Incorporated into Factiva

News release: “The curated Twitter content in Factiva covers 31 industries, including energy, financial services and technology, with a focus on the most influential tweeters from around the globe. The real time content is available via Factiva Snapshot, a business search tool with news dashboards that help businesses to efficiently gather intelligence and identify trends,… Continue Reading

Working the Network: A Manager’s Guide for Using Twitter in Government

Working the Network: A Manager’s Guide for Using Twitter in Government, Ines Mergel – Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University. May 14, 2012. “As of this writing, the federal government operates over 1,000 Twitter feeds. Federal civilian agencies maintain over 360 Twitter feeds, while the Department of Defense hosts more than 650.… Continue Reading

Inclusive Social Media Project: Participatory Evaluation “Our 2010-11 Inclusive Social Media pilot funded by the Ford Foundation built a foundation for taking our inclusive online engagement work to the next stage. “Knowing” what we are experiencing requires a reflective evaluation. Today, we are sharing the executive summary from our “participatory evaluation” and publishing the entire 60 page review (PDF). Continue Reading

Social Metadata for Libraries, Archives and Museums, Part 3: Recommendations and Readings

Social Metadata for Libraries, Archives and Museums, Part 3: Recommendations and Readings, Karen Smith-Yoshimura OCLC Research and Rose Holley National Library of Australia “Social media tools are needed to generate user-contributed content, which includes “social metadata”— information from users that helps people find, understand, or evaluate a site’s content. Social media and social metadata overlap;… Continue Reading

2012 Federal Media and Marketing Study Overview

2012 Federal Media and Marketing Study Overview, April 12, 2012, Fourth Annual Release “Knowing where and how to reach senior decision-makers at civilian and defense agencies is a vital component to every marketing effort aimed at the federal government. This popular syndicated study combines actual media usage of mid- to senior-level federal decision makers with… Continue Reading