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Category Archives: Blogs

Content analysis study of librarian blogs: Professional development and other uses

Via First Monday – Content analysis study of librarian blogs: Professional development and other uses by Grace M. Jackson-Brown “A content analysis study of leading librarian blogs shows how blogs are used for professional development, political advocacy for libraries, research and other information dissemination uses. An examination of blog posts, comments, and blogger responses to… Continue Reading

Update on the Twitter Archive At the Library of Congress

News release: “In April, 2010, the Library of Congress and Twitter signed an agreement providing the Library the public tweets from the company’s inception through the date of the agreement, an archive of tweets from 2006 through April, 2010. Additionally, the Library and Twitter agreed that Twitter would provide all public tweets on an ongoing… Continue Reading

Twitter Transparency Report v2 is released

“Last July we released our first Twitter Transparency Report (#TTR), publishing six months of data detailing the volume of government requests we receive for user information, government requests to withhold content, and Digital Millennium Copyright Act-related complaints from copyright holders. Since then we’ve been thinking about ways in which we can more effectively share this… Continue Reading

MappyHealth – We are tracking disease trends, 140 characters at a time

“MappyHealth mines twitter data looking for health term trends. It is hypothesized that social data could be a predictor to outbreaks of disease. We track disease terms and associated qualifiers to present these social trends. We have found that every term and condition trend tracked on our site has a band of “social noise”. This… Continue Reading

UK – Interim guidelines on prosecuting cases involving communications sent via social media

Interim guidelines on prosecuting cases involving communications sent via social media, Issued by the Director of Public Prosecutions on December 19, 2012 “These guidelines set out the approach that prosecutors should take when making decisions in relation to cases where it is alleged that criminal offences have been committed by the sending of a communication… Continue Reading

Your Twitter archive is now downloadable

“Today, we’re introducing the ability to download your Twitter archive, so you’ll get all your Tweets (including Retweets) going back to the beginning. Once you have your Twitter archive, you can view your Tweets by month, or search your archive to find Tweets with certain words, phrases, hashtags or @usernames. You can even engage with… Continue Reading

Pew – Social Networking Popular Across Globe

“Social networking has spread around the world with remarkable speed. In countries such as Britain, the United States, Russia, the Czech Republic and Spain, about half of all adults now use Facebook and similar websites. These sites are also popular in many lower-income nations, where, once people have access to the internet, they tend to… Continue Reading

WSJ – They Know What You're Shopping For “The widening ability to associate people’s real-life identities with their browsing habits marks a privacy milestone, further blurring the already unclear border between our public and private lives. In pursuit of ever more precise and valuable information about potential customers, tracking companies are redefining what it means to be anonymous…the sheer ease with which… Continue Reading

New on LLRX – Litigation, trial and pre-trail iPad apps for lawyers

Via LLRX – Litigation, trial and pre-trail iPad apps for lawyers: One of the most popular and rapidly growing categories of apps for lawyers are those developed for litigation, during trials and during the pretrial discovery phase. In this article, attorney, legal blogger and legal tech expert Nicole Black recommends more than a dozen affordable,… Continue Reading

Privacy Compliance Review of the NOC Publicly Available Social Media Monitoring and Situational Awareness Initiative

Privacy Compliance Review of the NOC Publicly Available Social Media Monitoring and Situational Awareness Initiative, November 8, 2012 “The Office of Operations Coordination and Planning (OPS), National Operations Center (NOC), has statutory responsibility to (1) provide situational awareness and establish a common operating picture for the federal government, and for state, local, and tribal governments… Continue Reading

Teen Use of Social Networking Sites and Perceptions of Legal Risk

De Zwart, Melissa , Lindsay, David F., Henderson, Michael and Phillips, Michael, Randoms vs Weirdos: Teen Use of Social Networking Sites and Perceptions of Legal Risk (2011). (2011) 36(3) Alternative Law Journal 153.; Monash University Faculty of Law Legal Studies Research Paper No. 44. Available at SSRN This article reports on research to identify the… Continue Reading

MIT – Predicting what topics will trend on Twitter

Larry Hardesty, MIT News Office: “At the Interdisciplinary Workshop on Information and Decision in Social Networks at MIT in November, Associate Professor Devavrat Shah and his student Stanislav Nikolov will present a new algorithm that can, with 95 percent accuracy, predict which topics will trend an average of an hour and a half before Twitter’s… Continue Reading