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Category Archives: Blogs

From cancer to feet: the power of Twitter in healthcare

MedCityNews – “Why should Twitter care about healthcare, other than the obvious reason that it’s a $3 trillion industry just in the U.S.? Because consumers care about the kind of influence, support and resources that social media can uncover, according to Craig Hashi, one of two Twitter engineers dedicated to healthcare. Speaking Sunday at the… Continue Reading

Smartphone Use While Driving Grows Beyond Texting to Social Media, Web Surfing, Selfies

News release: “When you see the driver next to you looking at their phone, it’s no longer safe to assume they’re texting. New research from AT&T shows nearly 4-in-10 smartphone users tap into social media while driving. Almost 3-in-10 surf the net. And surprisingly, 1-in-10 video chat. 7-in-10 people engage in smartphone activities while driving.… Continue Reading

When Is a Justice Department Rule Not a Rule? Report From Twitter’s Transparency Fight

EFF – Karen Gullo – “When is a government rule not a rule? Making that question difficult, when it should be simple, seems to be the government’s leading strategy in a hearing this week in Twitter Inc.’s lawsuit challenging the government’s squelching of its transparency report. Twitter wants to provide a closer look at how… Continue Reading

The rise of the social algorithm

Does content curation by Facebook introduce ideological bias? by David Lazer, Published Online May 7 2015 Science DOI: 10.1126/science.aab1422: “Humanity is in the early stages of the rise of social algorithms: programs that size us up, evaluate what we want, and provide a customized experience. This quiet but epic paradigm shift is fraught with social… Continue Reading

Guest Editorial: Social media metrics in scholarly communication

Guest Editorial: Social media metrics in scholarly communication, Stefanie Haustein, Cassidy R. Sugimoto, Vincent Larivière (Submitted on 8 Apr 2015). “Social media metrics – commonly coined as “altmetrics” – have been heralded as great democratizers of science, providing broader and timelier indicators of impact than citations. These metrics come from a range of sources, including… Continue Reading

Who Retweets Whom? How Digital and Legacy Journalists Interact on Twitter

Michael L. Barthel, Ruth Moon, and William Mari. (March 5, 2015). Who Retweets Whom? How Digital and Legacy Journalists Interact on Twitter. Tow Center for Digital Journalism. Tow/Knight Report 030520151. 21 pp. New York, New York. “The digital environment would seem to offer exciting new opportunities for both competition and collaboration. Twitter, in particular, has… Continue Reading

Role of the Networked Public Sphere in the U.S. Net Neutrality Policy Debate

“Media Cloud is pleased to announce the publication of Score Another One for the Internet? The Role of the Networked Public Sphere in the U.S. Net Neutrality Policy Debate: In this paper we study the public debate over net neutrality in the United States from January through November 2014.  We compiled, mapped, and analyzed over 16,000… Continue Reading

Bloomberg – Twitter Reaches Deal to Show Tweets in Google Search Results

Sarah Frier – “Twitter Inc. has struck a deal with Google Inc. to make its 140-character updates more searchable online. In the first half of this year, tweets will start to be visible in Google’s search results as soon as they’re posted, thanks to a deal giving the Web company access to Twitter’s firehose, the… Continue Reading

Social Network Privacy Social Networking facebook in re Facebook

EPIC – With New Policy Changes, Facebook Tracks Users Across the Web: “Over the objections of consumer privacy organizations, Facebook has implemented policy changes that allow the company to track users across the web without consent. The Dutch data protection commissioner launched an investigation after the original announcement. This week the a German privacy agency… Continue Reading