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Category Archives: Blogs

Mobile Messaging and Social Media 2015

Pew Report – Mobile Messaging and Social Media 2015 – August 19, 2015: “In today’s world, people — particularly young people — are continually finding and adapting new ways of communicating electronically to fit their needs. Case in point: 2015 marks the first time Pew Research Center has asked specifically about mobile messaging apps as… Continue Reading

2015 Digital Business Global Executive Study and Research Project

“MIT Sloan Management Review and Deloitte’s1 2015 global study of digital business found that maturing digital businesses are focused on integrating digital technologies, such as social, mobile, analytics and cloud, in the service of transforming how their businesses work. Less-mature digital businesses are focused on solving discrete business problems with individual digital technologies. The ability to… Continue Reading

Lessons from Leading Edge of Customer Experience Management

A Report by Harvard Business Review Analytic Service – Lessons from the Leading Edge of Customer Experience Management – 2014. “CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE MANAGEMENT — the collection of processes an organization uses to manage customer interactions across the enterprise—is more important than ever. The days of the single customer touch point are long gone. Today’s companies… Continue Reading

New on LLRX – Finding People Resources and Sites on the Internet

Via – Finding People Resources and Sites on the Internet – People centric resources and sites on the Internet allow you to find individuals based on a range of objectives: personal (family, medical, genealogy); business (legal, corporate, financial); academic; government and career. Web search guru Marcus P. Zillman’s new guide highlights selected sources to… Continue Reading

t factor: A metric for measuring impact on Twitter

“Based on the definition of the well-known h index we propose a t factor for measuring the impact of publications (and other entities) on Twitter. “The new index combines tweet and retweet data in a balanced way whereby retweets are seen as data reflecting the impact of initial tweets. The t factor is defined as… Continue Reading

Global law firm implements innovative internal messaging system

Legal Insider – “In an idea that has yet to be fully embraced by its staff, DLA Piper has introduced its own internal Twitter for enterprise called Grapevine. Using Greets instead of Tweets, Grapevine is an open security model which is being used to send messages; spread news, information and know-how across the firm; and send… Continue Reading

FireEye – Uncovering Malware Backdoor that Uses Twitter

FireEye announcement: “It hides in network communications, in all the noise—designed so that defenders can neither detect nor characterize its activity. But its purpose is transparent: to use Twitter, GitHub, and cloud storage services to relay commands and extract data from compromised networks. Download the report [reg. req’d] and read about the recently discovered HAMMERTOSS,… Continue Reading

How Collaboration and Crowdsourcing are Changing Legal Research

ThomsonReuters/Susan Martin: “Bob Ambrogi, lawyer, consultant and blogger at Law Sites, spoke at a well-attended session this morning at the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Annual Meeting. Titled “Playing Well With Others: How Collaboration and Crowdsourcing are Changing Legal Research,” Ambrogi’s presentation began with a light-hearted scolding of lawyers and legal professionals who simply “aren’t… Continue Reading

Twitter archive project at LC deemed a failure

Politico: “In the spring of 2010, the Library of Congress announced it was taking a big stride toward preserving the nation’s increasingly digital heritage — by acquiring Twitter’s entire archive of tweets and planning to make it all available to “How Tweet It Is!” the library said in an exuberant blog post, which generated fanfare… Continue Reading