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Category Archives: Blogs

Happy Thanksgiving and Please Consider Supporting beSpacific

Happy Thanksgving! If you read beSpacific and my research is useful to you, please support this site by donating the cost of a cup of coffee – $4 – or any another amount, such $10, $15, $20…using the link on selected postings Please consider making a contribution to beSpacific, even if you can only buy… Continue Reading

Social Media Tracker, Analyzer, & Collector Toolkit at Syracuse

“STACKS is an extensible social media research toolkit designed to collect, process, and store data from online social networks. The toolkit is an ongoing project via the Syracuse University iSchool, and currently supports the Twitter Streaming API. Collecting from Facebook public pages and Twitter search API are under development. The toolkit architecture is modular and… Continue Reading

IBM Watson Trend – the data science of shopping for the holidays?

“Outthink Holiday Stress.  Watson Trend helps shoppers understand what is trending and why through the cognitive power of Watson. To understand the science, read about Watson Trend – [as follows – weighted toward  purchases for Tech but includes Toys and Health]: Gift-guide experts voice opinions. Watson hears them all at once. Because IBM Watson understands… Continue Reading

What does the Internet of Things mean for Search?

WT VOX: “The smartphone revolutionised personal computing, creating a computer that most of us have within arm’s reach 24 hours a day. The Internet of Things promises to revolutionise computing again, by connecting and collecting data from everything we live in, drive in, eat in, sleep in and work in. In just a year or… Continue Reading

Twiangulate powers journalism, non-profits and PR

Twiangulate: ‘Find experts and insiders. Discover which accounts are followed by key people in a scribe swarm, gossip empire, artful sphere or judicious gaggle. Understand clout. Determine which influentials and celebs follow an account using our “reach” search. Reveal a group’s favorites. Which accounts are most followed by members of a group, for example, the… Continue Reading

New Internet Monitor report: “Beyond the Wall: Mapping Twitter in China”

“Internet Monitor is delighted to announce the publication of “Beyond the Wall: Mapping Twitter in China,” the seventh in a series of special reports that focus on key events and new developments in Internet freedom. The report, authored by Sonya Yan Song, Robert Faris, and John Kelly, maps and analyzes the structure and content found… Continue Reading

New on LLRX – How Can Lawyers Use Social Media to Their Advantage?

Via – How Can Lawyers Use Social Media to Their Advantage? – Lawyers are no strangers to social media, but that doesn’t mean that everyone in the legal arena is familiar with how to use it effectively, proactively and consistently. If you are a lawyer who has not yet launched a social media presence,… Continue Reading

USGC leveraging Twitter to anticipate earthquakes

NextGov: “According to a Twitter blog post on Wednesday, the USGS has begun to augment its seismological data with a real-time feed of tweets. The social-network data helps fill in holes in the agency’s sensor network and check for false alarms. (The seismic network senses as many as 70 earthquakes per day, but many of them… Continue Reading

Your American Dream is Not Mine! A New Approach to Estimating Intergenerational Mobility Elasticities

An, Yonghong and Le, Wang and Xiao, Ruli, Your American Dream is Not Mine! A New Approach to Estimating Intergenerational Mobility Elasticities (August 1, 2015). Available for download at SSRN: “This paper provides a new framework to estimate intergenerational mobility elasticities (IGE) of children’s income with respect to parental income. Our approach is nonparametric… Continue Reading

Manners 2.0: Key findings about etiquette in the digital age

“Some 92% of Americans now have a cellphone of some kind, and 90% of those cell owners say that their phone is frequently with them. This “always-on” mobile connectivity is changing the nature of public spaces and social gatherings. It is also rewriting social norms regarding what is rude and what is acceptable behavior when people… Continue Reading

Men catch up with women on overall social media use

“Historically, women have been more avid users of social media than men – a finding consistent across several Pew Research Center surveys. In fact, in November 2010, the gender gap was as large as 15 percentage points. More recent data, however, show that these differences are no longer statistically significant. A new Pew Research Center… Continue Reading