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Author Archives: Sabrina I. Pacifici

Income and Earnings Estimates for 1st Quarter 2012

Census – “Using the two most recent waves (11 and 12) from the 2008 Survey of Income and Program Participation panel, this table package presents income and earnings estimates at the individual, family and household level for the first quarter (January, February and March) of 2012. Quarterly estimates by selected demographic characteristics, such as gender,… Continue Reading

Unemployment, Negative Equity, and Strategic Default

Unemployment, Negative Equity, and Strategic Default – Kristopher Gerardi, Kyle F. Herkenhoff, Lee E. Ohanian, and Paul S. Willen. Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. Working Paper 2013-4. August 2013 “Using new household-level data, we quantitatively assess the roles that job loss, negative equity, and wealth (including unsecured debt, liquid assets, and illiquid assets) play in… Continue Reading

Text & Data Mining – A Librarian Overview

Text & Data Mining – A Librarian Overview, Ann Okerson – Senior Advisor, Center for Research Libraries, Chicago IL, USA “Text and data mining offers exciting research opportunities over a broad range of fields. As large corpora of data accumulate, automated and semi-automated analysis of their contents (and often of many different data sets correlated… Continue Reading

Brookings Examines John Roberts Appointments to FISA Court

Russell Wheeler: “Among his non-judicial duties, the Chief Justice of the United States selects sitting federal judges to serve on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in addition to their regular judicial duties. A recent New York Times article reported that ten of the court’s 11 current  judges, all selected by Chief Justice John G. Roberts,… Continue Reading

Social Influence Bias: A Randomized Experiment

Social Influence Bias: A Randomized Experiment Lev Muchnik, Sinan Aral, Sean J. Taylor. Science 9 August 2013: Vol. 341 no. 6146 pp. 647-651 DOI: 10.1126/science.1240466 “Our society is increasingly relying on the digitized, aggregated opinions of others to make decisions. We therefore designed and analyzed a large-scale randomized experiment on a social news aggregation Web… Continue Reading

Predatory Patent Litigation

Predatory Patent Litigation. Erik N. Hovenkamp, Northwestern University Department of Economics. August 5, 2013. “Despite their extensive experience in patent litigation, the most litigious patent assertion entities (PAEs) fair relatively poorly in court. These firms commonly file dubious infringement claims on which they are ostensibly very likely to lose money if litigated to judgment. It… Continue Reading

Study – Common Chemicals Harm Honey Bees’ Health

“Commercial honey bees used to pollinate crops are exposed to a wide variety of agricultural chemicals, including common fungicides which impair the bees’ ability to fight off a potentially lethal parasite, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Maryland and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The study, published July 24 in… Continue Reading

Global Innovation Index 2013 Edition

Global Innovation Index 2013 Edition. “Cornell University, INSEAD and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO, a specialized agency of the United Nations) co-publish The Global Innovation Index (GII), now in its sixth edition. The GII recognizes the key role of innovation as a driver of economic growth and prosperity and acknowledges the need for a… Continue Reading