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Author Archives: Sabrina I. Pacifici

New on LLRX – UsBook: Toward a family-friendly Facebook alternative to preserve your memories and help future historians

Via – UsBook: Toward a family-friendly Facebook alternative to preserve your memories and help future historians–while respecting privacy David Rothman’s commentary focuses on how the Digital Public Library of America is still on track to be a mostly academic creature despite the P word in its name. But David supports innovative, creative and value-added goals that… Continue Reading

Project ranks billions of drug interactions predicts mechanisms through computation: “For decades, drug development was mostly a game of trial and error, with brute-force candidate screens throwing up millions more duds than winners. Researchers are now using computers to get a head start. By analysing the chemical structure of a drug, they can see if it is likely to bind… Continue Reading

Premiums and Worker Contributions Among Workers Covered by Employer-Sponsored Coverage, 1999-2013

Kaiser Foundation: “Since 1999 the Employer Health Benefits Survey has documented trends in the employer-sponsored health insurance market. Every year about two thousand private and non-federal public employers with three or more employees have completed the full survey.  Among other topics, the survey asks firms for the premium or full per person cost of their… Continue Reading

NPR – U.S. Offers To Destroy Some Of Syria’s Chemical Weapons

Eyder Peralta: “The United States has offered to destroy some of Syria’s chemical weapons, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) said in a statement on Friday. The U.S. plans to destroy the chemicals aboard a U.S. vessel at sea using a process called hydrolysis, in which chemical agents are neutralized using hot water plus other chemicals…NPR’s… Continue Reading

Better Botanical Business Bureau

“Welcome to the Better Botanical Business Bureau, where botanical mistakes in commercial and public venues and products are showcased and corrected. It is not unusual with products, ingredients, and images used in media, design, and commercial works to be presented with the wrong common names, wrong species names, and/or wrong ingredients. This blog provides educational… Continue Reading

Women and men in leadership positions in the European Union, 2013

Women and men in leadership positions  in the European Union,  2013. A review of the situation and recent progress October 2013. “Women account for 46% of people in employment across the EU13 and on average they have a higher level of  education than their male colleagues: 34% of working women have some form of tertiary level education compared  to… Continue Reading

Urban Institute – Closing the Wealth Gap

Closing the Wealth Gap: Empowering Minority-Owned Businesses to Reach Their Full Potential for Growth and Job Creation, Signe-Mary McKernan, Caroline Ratcliffe, Released November 26, 2013. “The racial wealth gap grows sharply with age. When people are in their 30s and 40s, whites have about 3.5 times more wealth than people of color. By the time people reach… Continue Reading

EFF Introducing a Compendium of the Released NSA Spying Documents

EFF – “The ongoing NSA leaks, Freedom of Information Act lawsuits and government declassification continue to bring vital information to the public about the the ongoing efforts of the NSA and its allies to spy on millions of innocent people. What started out as news detailing the agency’s collections of users’ calling records, phone calls,… Continue Reading

Historians and the Use of Primary Source Materials in the Digital Age

Historians and the Use of Primary Source Materials in the Digital Age, Alexandra Chassanoff, 2013/9/1.  American Archivist. Volume 76 Issue 2 Pages 458-480.Society of American Archivists “This study examines how academic historians search for, access, and use primary source  materials in their research pursuits. Recruited historians completed an online questionnaire about current information practices and potential information needs in archival settings. The  results shed… Continue Reading

A Corporate Governance Breakdown – Exposing companies to greater risk of fraud and corruption

Deloitte: “Internal auditors play a vital role in reducing the risk of fraud, corruption and other corporate wrongdoing. Yet, according to Deloitte’s new analysis of member survey data from The Institute of Internal Auditors (“IIA”), 62 percent or more of internal audit (“IA”) functions at public companies globally do not comply with all of the… Continue Reading

BIS – Property price statistics

“The property price statistics bring together data from different countries. The BIS, with the assistance of its member central banks, 1 has obtained approval of various national data providers to disseminate the statistics as long as the original national sources are clearly indicated. The sources and any relevant disclaimers are listed separately (sources of data). Copyright in these data must… Continue Reading