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Author Archives: Sabrina I. Pacifici

Social Media: Consumer Compliance Risk Management Guidance

“The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), in collaboration with the other members of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC), today published in the Federal Register final supervisory guidance titled Social Media: Consumer Compliance Risk Management Guidance. Technological advancements allow financial institutions to use social media in a variety of ways, including marketing; facilitating applications for… Continue Reading

Gallup Poll – Honesty and Ethics Rating of Various Professions

“Americans’ rating of the honesty and ethics of the clergy has fallen to 47%, the first time this rating has dropped below 50% since Gallup first asked about the clergy in 1977. Clergy have historically ranked near the top among professions on this measure, hitting a high rating of 67% in 1985.  Gallup has asked… Continue Reading

NOAA Global Analysis – November 2013

“The average temperature across global land and ocean surfaces during November 2013 was record highest for November in the 134-year period of record, at 0.78°C (1.40°F) above the 20th century average. This surpasses the previous record set in 2004 by 0.03°C (0.05°F) and is also the sixth highest monthly departure from average among all months on… Continue Reading

Open Data GovLab 500

“The Open Data 500 is the first comprehensive study of U.S. companies using open government data to develop new products and services. The study will identify, describe, and analyze companies that use open government data in their businesses. The Open Data 500 is designed to provide a basis for assessing the value of government data;… Continue Reading

Treasury International Capital data for October 2013

“The U.S. Department of the Treasury today released Treasury International Capital (TIC) data for October 2013. The next release, which will report on data for November 2013, is scheduled for January 16, 2014. The sum total in October of all net foreign acquisitions of long-term securities, short-term U.S. securities, and banking flows was a monthly net TIC… Continue Reading

Office of Financial Research Releases Second Annual Report

“The Office of Financial Research (OFR) today submitted to Congress its 2013 Annual Report, fulfilling a requirement to annually assess the state of the United States financial system and analyze threats to U.S. financial stability. According to the report, threats include vulnerabilities in markets for securities financing transactions and credit, vulnerabilities to an increase in interest rates and… Continue Reading

Fears rise for Latin American banana industry as devastating disease hits leading variety in Africa and Middle East

Nature – Declan Butler, December 11, 2013: “A variant of a fungus that rots and kills the main variety of export banana has been found in plantations in Mozambique and Jordan, raising fears that it could spread to major producers and decimate supplies. The pathogen, which was until now limited to parts of Asia and a region… Continue Reading

NIH and NFL tackle concussion research

News release: “The National Institutes of Health has selected eight projects to receive support to answer some of the most fundamental problems on traumatic brain injury, including understanding long-term effects of repeated head injuries and improving diagnosis of concussions. Funding is provided by the Sports and Health Research Program, a partnership among the NIH, the National… Continue Reading

Annual Energy Outlook 2014 with projections to 2040 – Early Release

“Projections in the Annual Energy Outlook 2014 (AEO2014) Reference case focus on the factors that shape U.S. energy markets through 2040, under the assumption that current laws and regulations remain generally unchanged throughout the projection period. The early release provides a basis for the examination and discussion of energy market trends and serves as a starting point for… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports – Clinical Data Registries, Federal Employees Health Benefits, 401(k) Plans

CLINICAL DATA REGISTRIES – HHS Could Improve Medicare Quality and Efficiency through Key Requirements and Oversight, GAO-14-75, Dec 16, 2013 FEDERAL EMPLOYEES HEALTH BENEFITS PROGRAM – Oversight of Carriers’ Fraud and Abuse Programs, GAO-14-39, Nov 14, 2013 FINANCIAL AUDIT – Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection’s Fiscal Years 2013 and 2012 Financial Statements, GAO-14-170R, Dec 16, 2013 FINANCIAL AUDIT – Federal Housing Finance… Continue Reading

New on LLRX – Give Open a Chance in Law

Via – Give Open a Chance in Law – Sarah Glassmeyer’s commentary challenges us to consider a Venn Diagram comprising the current state of legal education; the systematic failures surrounding issues of Access to Justice; and in the third circle is the Reinvent/Innovate/New Law world of individuals attempting to make the practice of law more efficient using technological… Continue Reading

Research Note on the Energy Infrastructure Attack Database

Research Note on the Energy Infrastructure Attack Database (EIAD), by Jennifer Giroux, Peter Burgherr, Laura Melkunaite. Vol 7, No 6 (2013) “The January 2013 attack on the In Amenas natural gas facility drew international attention. However this attack is part of a portrait of energy infrastructure targeting by non-state actors that spans the globe. Data drawn from… Continue Reading