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Author Archives: Sabrina I. Pacifici

FDIC Announces Improvements to Deposit Insurance Education Materials

“The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) today announced significant new improvements to the deposit insurance education materials available on the FDIC’s website, The enhancements are designed to improve the accessibility and presentation of deposit insurance information for the general public through organizational changes as well as through the expanded use of explanatory videos and interactive… Continue Reading

‘When Worlds Collide’: Navigating the Minefield of Social Media

Knowledge@ Wharton: “Social media has made it possible to share the details of our lives — both intimate and minute — quickly and easily. But with that convenience comes a host of dangers as people’s personal and professional lives, and public and private personas, converge. In “When Worlds Collide in Cyberspace: How Boundary Work in Online… Continue Reading

Corporate Governance and Prudential Regulation

Speech by Governor Daniel K. Tarullo – Member, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve SystemAt the Association of American Law Schools 2014 Midyear Meeting, Washington, D.C. June 9, 2014. “In my remarks this afternoon I will try to further the collaboration between corporate and financial law scholarship by suggesting how the nature of finance and financial regulation affects corporate… Continue Reading

2014 Trustwave Global Security Report

“The 2014 Trustwave Global Security Report is back for another year,…and we again lean on hard evidence gathered from hundreds of data breach investigations conducted last year – 691 to be exact, spread across industries and the world – as well as threat intelligence gathered from our products and security operations centers. Using that evidence,… Continue Reading

Pew – What kind of library user are you?

“Are you a “Library Lover”? An “Information Omnivore”? Or are you totally “Off the Grid”? Take our library engagement quiz to learn how your library habits and attitudes stack up against the general population. This quiz is a condensed version of the questions asked in our nationally representative survey of 6,224 Americans ages 16 and older… Continue Reading

Revolving Door and Worker Flows in Banking Regulation

Federal Reserve Bank of New York – David Lucca, Amit Seru, and Francesco Trebbi “Drawing on a large sample of publicly available curricula vitae, this paper traces the career transitions of federal and state U.S. banking regulators and provides basic facts on worker flows between the regulatory and private sectors resulting from the revolving door. We find strong countercyclical… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports – Defense HQ, DOE, STEM

DEFENSE HEADQUARTERS: Guidance Needed to Transition U.S. Central Command’s Costs to the Base Budget, GAO-14-440: Published: Jun 9, 2014. Publicly Released: Jun 9, 2014. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY: Enhanced Transparency Could Clarify Costs, Market Impact, Risk, and Legal Authority to Conduct Future Uranium Transactions, GAO-14-291: Published: May 9, 2014. Publicly Released: Jun 9, 2014. MILITARY SEXUAL TRAUMA: Improvements Made, but VA Can Do… Continue Reading

Growing Number of Dads Home with the Kids – Pew

Biggest increase among those caring for family: “The number of fathers who do not work outside the home has risen markedly in recent years, up to 2 million in 2012. High unemployment rates around the time of the Great Recession contributed to the recent increases, but the biggest contributor to long-term growth in these “stay-at-home fathers” is the rising… Continue Reading

Interactions of cultures and top people of Wikipedia from ranking of 24 language editions

Young-Ho Eom, Pablo Aragón, David Laniado, Andreas Kaltenbrunner, Sebastiano Vigna, Dima L. Shepelyansky (Submitted on 28 May 2014) “Wikipedia is a huge global repository of human knowledge, that can be leveraged to investigate interwinements between cultures. With this aim we apply two methods, Markov chains and Google matrix, for the analysis of the hyperlink networks of 24 Wikipedia language editions,… Continue Reading