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Author Archives: Sabrina I. Pacifici

International Donation Programs for Special Libraries Around the World

“This list provides a place for institutions and programs that have little or no money to post their need for educational materials.  We do not include private colleges (especially those that charge high tuition fees), foundations of corporate firms, individuals, or other well off entities. Our donors wish to send their materials to those most… Continue Reading

CIA Style Manual Available Online

Via “National Security Counselors law firm has obtained a copy of the CIA Directorate of Intelligence Style Manual, Eighth Edition, 2011.  It is entitled Style Manual & Writers Guide for Intelligence Publications. The CIA Guide is not alone.  Each of the members of the Intelligence Community ­IC ­ have one or more Style Manuals to conform the reports… Continue Reading

Government Surveillance and Internet Search Behavior

Marthews, Alex and Tucker, Catherine, Government Surveillance and Internet Search Behavior (March 24, 2014). Available or download at SSRN: or “This paper uses data from Google Trends on search terms from before and after the surveillance revelations of June 2013 to analyze whether Google users’ search behavior shifted as a result of an exogenous shock in… Continue Reading

NSA tracking users of privacy applications and monitoring services

NSA targets the privacy-conscious – von J. Appelbaum, A. Gibson, J. Goetz, V. Kabisch, L. Kampf, L. Ryge. “The investigation discloses the following: Two servers in Germany – in Berlin and Nuremberg – are under surveillance by the NSA. Merely searching the web for the privacy-enhancing software tools outlined in the XKeyscore rules causes the NSA to… Continue Reading

The NSA Revelations All in One Chart

By Julia Angwin and Jeff Larson, ProPublica, illustrations by Alberto Cairo: “This is a plot of the NSA programs revealed in the past year according to whether they are bulk or targeted, and whether the targets of surveillance are foreign or domestic. Most of the programs fall squarely into the agency’s stated mission of foreign surveillance, but some –… Continue Reading

EC – Public Consultation ‘Science 2.0’: Science in Transition

European Commission Background Document – “This background paper to the online public consultation gives a short description of the  term ‘Science 2.0’ as used in this consultation. The goal of the consultation is to better  understand the full potential of ‘Science 2.0’ as well as the desirability of any possible policy action.  The current transition… Continue Reading

Internet Access, Yes, But in my Mother Language! – World Bank

“At least 80 percent of all content on the Internet is in one of 10 languages: English, Chinese, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese, German, Arabic, French, Russian, and Korean. A number of information and communication technology (ICT) initiatives are targeting Gabon’s preservation of linguistic and cultural identity, as daily communications are still largely in vernacular languages. Using… Continue Reading

Survey on securitisation markets conducted by BCBS-IOSCO Task Force

“The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) and the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) are co-leading a task force that will undertake a wide-ranging survey of securitisation markets worldwide. Established in consultation with the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), the cross-sectoral Task Force on Securitisation Markets will:… Continue Reading

Financial Regulatory Agencies Release Public Sections of Resolution Plans

“The Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) on Wednesday released the public portions of annual resolution plans for 17 financial firms. Each plan must describe the company’s strategy for rapid and orderly resolution under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code in the event of material financial distress or failure of the company. The Dodd-Frank… Continue Reading