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Author Archives: Sabrina I. Pacifici

Find out if your Internet service provider plays YouTube in HD

Via YouTube Official Blog – “Nothing ruins the experience of watching a YouTube video like Magic of Rahat more than seeing the dreaded buffering wheel, which is why we’re always working to make videos play smoothly in the best quality possible. And when you can’t see what you want, when you want, it’s important you know why. Starting… Continue Reading

Social Media #FTW!: The Influence of Social Media on American Politics

Via LLRX – Thesis submitted to Johns Hopkins University in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Government by Kenneth Scott Ames Social Media #FTW!: The Influence of Social Media on American Politics – Abstract: “Social media has transformed politics in America. Its effect has impacted the way candidates campaign for the presidency, Members of Congress… Continue Reading

New on LLRX – World leading online privacy law library gets big increase in capacity

Via LLRX – World leading online privacy law library gets big increase in capacity The International Privacy Law Library on WorldLII has been expanded. The Library’s 32 databases include about 3,600 decisions of 13 privacy and data protection authorities, from New Zealand, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Australia, Korea, Macau, Mauritius, the United States and… Continue Reading

New on LLRX – Why the DPLA should focus on being a stellar ACADEMIC library

Via LLRX – Why the DPLA should focus on being a stellar ACADEMIC library: Check out these statistics David Rothman acknowledges the attributes of the expanding DPLA program but highlights that it is lacking key components to make it a truly comprehensive academic digital library, including collection and business strategies. Rothman states that “DPLAers” keep insisting that… Continue Reading

New on LLRX – Gates Global Libraries Program is Winding Down

Via LLRX – Gates Global Libraries Program is Winding Down: Time for a National Digital library Endowment to Fill the Vacuum David Rothman informs us that out of several billion a year in grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, just tens of millions go for public libraries in the U.S. and overseas. But as all… Continue Reading

NYT – N.S.A. Collecting Millions of Faces From Web Images

By JAMES RISEN and LAURA POITRAS “The National Security Agency is harvesting huge numbers of images of people from communications that it intercepts through its global surveillance operations for use in sophisticated facial recognition programs, according to top-secret documents. The spy agency’s reliance on facial recognition technology has grown significantly over the last four years as the agency has turned to new… Continue Reading

Paper – World Family Indicators

World Family Indicators – Laura H. Lippman, W. Bradford Wilcox, and Renee Ryberg, May 2014. Luxembourg Income Study (LIS), asbl “The indicators section of the 2014 World Family Map report provides information on 16 indicators of family well-being in four areas—family structure, family socioeconomics, family process, and family culture—across 49 countries, representing a majority of the world’s population. The… Continue Reading

My Brother’s Keeper Task Force Report to the President

“For decades, opportunity has lagged behind for boys and young men of color. But across the country, communities are adopting innovative approaches, opening doors, strengthening supports, and building ladders of opportunity for young people, including boys and young men of color, to help put them on the path to success. President Obama wants to build… Continue Reading

EDP Open survey reveals Learned society attitudes towards Open Access

“EDP Open, the Open Access publishing arm of EDP Sciences, has today released the results of a survey to appraise attitudes toward Open Access amongst learned society publishers. The survey was answered by 33 learned societies and the results were further supplemented by a focus group held at the annual UKSG meeting in Harrogate in April.… Continue Reading

Google Workforce Report Omits Any Mention of Age

Follow up to precious posting – Google Posts About Lack of Diversity in their Workforce, more information on another group that is not represented in the company’s workforce due to their, age!   See Google’s So-Called Diversity Makes No Mention of Age  “Google shared their EEO-1 report (PDF link), a survey the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission requires big employers to… Continue Reading

Graduate Education, Enrollment, and Degrees in the United States

National Science Foundation – Graduate Education, Enrollment, and Degrees in the United States Graduate Enrollment in S&E S&E Master’s Degrees S&E Doctoral Degrees “Graduate education in S&E contributes to global competitiveness, producing the highly skilled workers of the future and the research needed for a knowledge-based economy. In 2009, the Council of Graduate Schools and the… Continue Reading