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Author Archives: Sabrina I. Pacifici

Field Guide to Police Surveillance

“Welcome to the Field Guide to Police Surveillance. EFF’s Street-Level Surveillance project shines a light on the surveillance technologies that law enforcement agencies routinely deploy in our communities. These resources are designed for advocacy organizations, journalists, defense attorneys, policymakers, and members of the public who often are not getting the straight story from police representatives… Continue Reading

Safeguarding Subsea Cables Protecting Cyber Infrastructure amid Great Power Competition

“The length in kilometers — 750,000 miles — of the world’s undersea fiber-optic cables. These cables, which carry more than 95% of international data globally, are highly vulnerable to accidental disruption such as from ships’ anchors or natural disasters like earthquakes, a new report from the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies warned. The… Continue Reading

What is

“Most web browsers leak your identity and your browsing history, but some browsers are more leaky than others. The goal of is to understand in detail: what data is each web browser leaking? Which web browsers offer the best privacy protections [brave, chrone, duckduckgo, edge, firefox, librewold, mullvad, opera, safari, tor, ungoogled, vivaldi?]… Continue Reading

New ocean acidification maps of U.S. waters

NOAA Research – “Online dashboard makes it easy to see how chemical changes differ in various location. Researchers from NOAA have produced a new online dashboard on the National Marine Ecosystem Status website that shows how ocean acidification is impacting eleven different marine ecosystems in the U.S. These graphs, charts and mapped products, which were… Continue Reading

The Political Values of Harris and Trump Supporters

Pew Research Center: – “Wide differences over cultural issues, role of government and foreign policy. ” Some of the widest gaps between Harris and Trump supporters are on issues that have divided Americans for decades, such as the role of guns in society, race and the legacy of slavery. In addition, voters who back Harris… Continue Reading

Advanced Recycling: Does Big Plastic’s Idea Work?

CBS Reports – “As America grapples with an escalating plastic crisis, the city of Houston, ExxonMobil, and other partners announced a new program that promised to recycle nearly all of the city’s plastic waste. However, after two years, the program has yet to fully materialize. Critics argue that the evidence suggests it never will. And… Continue Reading

America’s Mental Barrier How Insurers Interfere With Mental Health Care

ProPublica: “They studied, honed their skills and opened practices, joining health insurance networks that put them within reach of people who couldn’t afford to pay for sessions out of pocket. So did more than 500 other psychologists, psychiatrists and therapists who shared their experiences with ProPublica. But one after another, they confronted a system set… Continue Reading

Newly Revealed Wonders of a 16th Century Portolan Chart of the North American Coast

Library of Congress Blogs: “It’s not often that the Library has a chance to acquire a portolan chart — an early nautical map, hand drawn on animal skin, that explorers used to navigate the seas. Not many still exist, so the Library leaped at the chance last fall to acquire a circa 1560 portolan depicting… Continue Reading

See How Your Weight Compares

Flowing Data: “Are more Americans heavier than you or are they lighter? The following chart compares your weight against other adults (female and male). It also considers height, since 200 pounds at five feet tall is not the same as someone who is 200 pounds and six feet tall.” Continue Reading

Votebeat has a new look and a public health sister site

“Votebeat is a nonprofit news organization committed to reporting the nuanced truth about elections and voting at a time of crisis in America. Our mission is to help people understand our system of democracy so they can participate in strengthening it. Our approach is to cover and explain the mechanics of voting — no political… Continue Reading