“The Audubon Mural Project is a collaboration between the National Audubon Society and Gitler &_____ Gallery to create murals of climate-threatened birds throughout John James Audubon’s old Harlem‐based neighborhood in New York City. The project is inspired by the legacy of the great American bird artist and pioneering ornithologist and is energized by Audubon’s groundbreaking Birds and Climate Change Report, which reveals at least half of all North American birds are threatened by a warming climate. The project commissions artists to paint murals of each of the report’s 314 species, and has been widely covered in the media, including The New York Times…
You can..take a self-guided tour using our printable map. When in New York City, be sure to check out the New-York Historical Society’s Birds of America gallery, which now features the mural project along with John James Audubon’s original watercolors. And if you’re in Chicago, be sure to check out a spin-off project in Rogers Park, featuring 13 climate-threatened birds that use habitats in the Chicago region…”
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