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Asians in America Report: Asian-Americans Still Feel Like Outsiders in Corporate America

News release: “Despite graduating from top universities at rates that far exceed their peers and forming an important part of the talent pipeline for many professions, Asian-Americans remain largely underrepresented in leadership ranks, according to Asians in America: Unleashing the Potential of the ‘Model Minority,’ a new study from the Center for Work-Life Policy. Although Asians are a mere 5 percent of the US population, they are one of the fastest growing minority groups and a vital part of the nation’s talent pipeline. Consider, for instance, the representation of Asians at top schools: they account for 15 to 25 percent of Ivy League enrollment, 24 percent at Stanford and a stunning 46 percent at UC Berkeley. At the same time, Asians are fewer than two percent of Fortune 500 CEOs and corporate officers. How can we understand this disparity? According to the study, what keeps Asians from making it to the top are subtle workplace biases that are masked by the general perception of Asians as a highly qualified, successful “model minority”.”

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