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America's Mayors Report to the Nation on Projects to Strengthen Metro Economies and Create Jobs Now

Follow up to November 16, 2008 posting, U.S. Conference of Mayors’ 153 City Survey Targets Infrastructure Projects, today’s release: Infrastructure Jobs in Cities – “Ready to Go” [803 pages, PDF]:

  • “Today The U.S. Conference of Mayors releases the second in its series of reports on infrastructure projects that are “ready to go” in cities across the nation – projects that can be started quickly after funding is received and generate the significant numbers of jobs that are needed to strengthen the economies of our metro areas and our nation as a whole. Today we are reporting that in 427 cities of all sizes in all regions of the country, a total of 11,391 infrastructure projects are “ready to go.” These projects represent an infrastructure investment of $73,163,299,303 that would be capable of producing an estimated 847,641 jobs in 2009 and 2010. The Conference of Mayors MainStreet Economic Recovery plan, developed under the leadership of Miami Mayor Manual A. (Manny) Diaz, the President of the Conference, calls for federal investments in 10 sectors that will quickly create jobs in metro areas, improve the infrastructure that the private sector needs to succeed, help the small businesses of Main Street America, and produce lasting economic and environmental benefits for the nation. The following chart summarizes, for each of the 10 sectors, the number of infrastructure projects described by the 427 cities, the total investment that would be required to implement these projects, and the estimated number of jobs that could be generated by these projects.”
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