Pluralistic: “Even by Amazon standards, this is extraordinarily sleazy: starting March 28, each Amazon Echo device will cease processing audio on-device and instead upload all the audio it captures to Amazon’s cloud for processing, even if you have previously opted out of cloud-based processing. It’s easy to flap your hands at this bit of thievery and say, “surveillance capitalists gonna surveillance capitalism,” which would confine this f@@@@@y to the realm of ideology (that is, “Amazon is ripping you off because they have bad ideas”). But that would be wrong. What’s going on here is a material phenomenon, grounded in specific policy choices and by unpacking the material basis for this absolutely unforgivable move, we can understand how we got here – and where we should go next. Start with Amazon’s excuse for destroying your privacy: they want to do AI processing on the audio Alexa captures, and that is too computationally intensive for on-device processing. But that only raises another question: why does Amazon want to do this AI processing, even for customers who are happy with their Echo as-is, at the risk of infuriating and alienating millions of customers? For Big Tech companies, AI is part of a “growth story” – a narrative about how these companies that have already saturated their markets will still continue to grow. It’s hard to overstate how dominant Amazon is: they are the leading cloud provider, the most important retailer, and the majority of US households already subscribe to Prime. This may sound like a good place to be, but for Amazon, it’s actually very dangerous…”
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