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Agency Management of Sensitive Information Questioned by GAO

  • Managing Sensitive Information: Departments of Energy and Defense Policies and Oversight Could Be Improved, GAO-06-369, March 7, 2006. Full text | Highlights: “…the lack of training requirements and oversight of the Official Use Only (OUO) and For Official Use Only (FOUO) programs leave DOE and DOD officials unable to assure that OUO and FOUO documents are marked and handled in a manner consistent with agency policies and may result in inconsistencies and errors in the application of the programs.”
  • Managing Sensitive Information: DOE and DOD Could Improve Their Policies and Oversight GAO-06-531T, March 14, 2006. Full text | Highlights.
  • Related government documents:

  • Assessment of the Controls and Security of NARA Classified Systems, OIG Report 04-10, March 31, 2004 [m.r.]
  • Also from FAS, Other Government Documents on Secrecy and Security Policy
  • and CRS repoort, ‘Sensitive But Unclassified’ Information and Other Controls: Policy and Options for Scientific and Technical Information,” dated February 15, 2006 (published March 14, 2006).

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