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A terrific primer on all things Long Covid

Via Boing Boing: “If you have an hour to spare and want to learn more about Long Covid, here’s a great, thorough overview by a public health and science communicator who goes by the name of “Lola Germs” on social media. They describe their educational project on their YouTube: “I’m a public health and science communicator making educational videos that present critical information about the ongoing pandemic in an accessible way!” Lola Germs describes their new video, which provides a deep dive into a plethora of research all about Long Covid:

  • Why does everyone keep getting sick? Spring flu, summer flu, concert flu, colds, endless coughing, mysterious bugs, allergies—Why do our immune systems suck now?? What’s with all the new health issues like diabetes, high cholesterol and fatigue? Why are more athletes having heart attacks? Why do so many have brain fog, memory problems and can’t think as well as before? Is our gut microbiome health worse? Are we all just more tired and ill than before for no reason?
  • Well, spoiler—it’s not “lockdowns” or “immunity debt” or “the jab” or not exercising or not enough essential oils or vitamins or natural remedies or not thinking enough positive, high-vibration, wellness thoughts. It’s something you may have never even heard of thanks to public health and governments not doing their jobs, but something you’ve probably already had a lot of encounters with, something you know ~deep down~ is not as over as the mainstream media or your profit-minded employer says it is, something that will not go away just because we wish it really hard.
  • This video essay offers a useful primer to this syndrome that is already affecting tens (likely hundreds) of millions of people across the world. Please share this information with your community and advocate for authorities to start taking our health seriously, because we all deserve so much better…”

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