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A National Study of Sexual Harassment and Assault in the United States

Raj A, Rao N, Patel P, Kearl H. #MeToo 2024: A National Study of Sexual Harassment and Assault in the United States. Newcomb Institute. Tulane University. September 2024.  New research from Tulane University’s Newcomb Institute found that not only have most American women experienced sexual harassment or assault before even reaching adulthood, but very little has changed when it comes to gender-based violence in the wake of #MeToo. Sexual harassment and assault are major concerns in the United States (U.S.), but we have inadequate data to understand the scope and scale of the problem. The #MeToo 2024 survey, conducted with a national sample using an online survey implemented by our partner NORC from April to May 2024, provides national estimates on the prevalence of sexual harassment and assault in the U.S. with a sample of 3,383 adults (age 18+). This study is a follow-up to a collaborative 2018 #MeToo survey led by Stop Street Harassment, allowing us a comparison point to track change in sexual harassment and assault prevalence since the #MeToo movement and over the past 6 years. Key Findings The vast majority of women and almost half of all men have experienced sexual harassment or assault in their lifetime. We see no reduction in the lifetime prevalence of sexual harassment and assault from our first study in 2018 to this 2024 study for women (from 81% to 82%) or men (from 43% to 42%). This is despite the visibility of the 2017 #MeToo movement on these issues and the resulting increase in awareness and policies to affect these issues.

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