Jeremy Kaplan, WonderTools – “Say goodbye to tedious, manual slides creation. Let the AI write the outline and presentation content for you. [free and fee versions] With our tool, you can easily create professional, engaging slides from any text in no time.
- Do I need to have a Google Workspace Account to use SlidesAI? If you have a regular gmail account, you can use SlidesAI. You don’t need a Google Workspace account. Just install SlidesAI fromGoogle Workspace Marketplace
- How do I run it from Google Slides? Once you have installed SlidesAI from the Google Workspace Marketplace Click on Extensions > > Generate Slides
- Do I need to create an account? No, you don’t need to create an account separately. You can simply run SlidesAI from a Google Slide Presentation and your account will be automatically created.”
Alternatives to Google Slides
- Pitch is my favorite free Web-based tool for creating slides. Here’s why.
- Canva is now used to make 40 million presentations a month. It has a huge collection of templates and a giant library of elements for sprucing up slides.
-’s new DesignerBot will make an entirely new slide deck for you out of a text prompt. I’m testing that and other emerging slide tools like Tome for an upcoming post.
- iA Presenter is a new, simple slide creation tool in beta I highly recommend
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